I've 2 tickets for this, but don't fancy the trek down after Emperor on Saturday, anyone need tickets?

Will sell for face value...

Quote from: Alfredo on March 21, 2024, 10:12:25 PM
Quote from: Jward on March 21, 2024, 04:47:59 PMWhere's good to park for this?

Quinn's lane is free after 7 and usually has a few spots


Will check there

Quote from: Neuromancer on March 22, 2024, 10:44:39 AMI've 2 tickets for this, but don't fancy the trek down after Emperor on Saturday, anyone need tickets?

Will sell for face value...

My missus is looking for one or are you hoping to sell as a pair?

Will sell separately, but it's 2 seats beside eachother

#19 March 25, 2024, 12:33:06 PM Last Edit: March 25, 2024, 12:35:42 PM by Pugthemagician36
Can I buy them both? I'm hunting for two tickets together.

Emperor and Sunn0))) in the space of a couple of days! Deadly!

It's so fancy like. Proper glasses  :abbath:

Enjoyed that though I was knackered and my ears were fucked for the last 15 minutes.

Did Anderson sneak off for a piss in the middle?

Quote from: Pentagrimes on March 25, 2024, 11:53:14 PMDid Anderson sneak off for a piss in the middle?

Haha was wondering the same. Seen them in Berghain last September and he didn't leave the stage at all.

Enjoyed it myself. Was parched though. Can understand no pints in the room, but not even a can of coke was a bit over the top

#25 March 26, 2024, 02:30:47 AM Last Edit: March 26, 2024, 02:33:19 AM by BobbyAxelrod
That was an incredible setup, like the Stonehenge of guitar amps. Glad I had ear plugs.

We had Jess Sykes to gently tickle our souls with melody, and Sunn o))) to tickle our guts with the vibrations from their feedback and distortion. In a couple of places, I reckon they were pretty close to discovering the brown note. My sphincter started reverberating at one point...

Did they just improvise the whole time? Setlist.fm has sets up for previous shows, but I couldn't discern anything song-like tonight (I stopped trying after the first thirty minutes and just went with the meditative flow.)

Also, there seemed to be a surprisingly large non-metal crowd (maybe half?). Ironically, I heard someone express surprise that metalheads would be interested in this kind of thing.

#26 March 26, 2024, 07:44:02 AM Last Edit: March 26, 2024, 07:48:57 AM by Pentagrimes
Not that big a surprise,  I always got the sense they had a wide enough following, and the live shows are such an experience I'd say plenty were there out of curiosity. Definitely spotted a few heads who'd have given me shit in school for liking heavy music, haha.

Really was very impressive both sonically and visually, amazing what you can do with some smoke and a few lights when you manipulate them just right. Dunno why but I didn't expect the sound to be as physical as previous gigs by them in that venue but it certainly was.

I was down towards the back and noticed quite a few walk outs. Some lady in my row lasted about 15 minutes before leaving, fingers in ears.

Anyone see the chap standing up arms aloft for a bit of the set?Seemed annoyed the person next to him wouldn't join him.

Careful not to mis-genre people! 

I enjoyed it, think the nch is a nice setup. Saw your man standing alright he was near me. He didn't last too long after that.

It looked so cool at times with the smoke machines. And the last 10mins or so were really intense.

I thought the button factory was more intense though. Louder? Harder to see a thing that night where I was.

Yerman standing up was gas!
He kept looking down at whoever was next to him, as in encouraging them to get up and join him in the Nazi-esque salute  :laugh:

The sound they create is impressive
Bleak, dark, relentless, void, murky, hopeless, empty, black, stale mire
It was brilliant

I thought the smoke & lights could've been done better over the 1hr 40mins
More structure to it
Saying that, there were moments where it worked well
I would just have preferred nearly no lights, or low lighting for longer spells
Sometimes I find them a distraction tbh

There was a fella 2 seats from me who seemed to hunch forward with about 10 mins to go, cradling his head/back of his head/ears - almost like get this sh*t over with, I can't stand this anymore
Once they finished, he hopped to his feet mad clapping  :laugh:

They got great tones/frequencies at times
I would've loved a few more of the slow scrape of the plectrum along the top string  :)
I assume they hit about 120dB last night?
Seeing them being a bit more 'primitive' as a duo was a pleasure to see
How they can create & control those sounds is unreal

BTW I must say I am quite proud of myself that I might have spotted 1 tune I knew (from Life Metal), and I have nearly all their stuff  :laugh:

PS I got some laugh when the buddy's whole body hopped when they suddenly came in proper loud. Ha Ha! It was his first time seeing them, and he was saying he knew they would come in loud, but fuck me, they came in with a bang.
It was a thing of beauty

I see O'Malley put up a picture of the two with Kevin Shields on Facebook. He must have been looking around the room thinking 'oh my sweet summer child' when it came to the volume.
