Quote from: astfgyl on December 12, 2023, 06:24:53 PMRoorback from the Greene era is also another one I can't be dealing with at all.

Roorback was the only one I half liked use to really like that apes of god song. I use to have the first 4 Greene albums on CD. Against had one or two good songs, Nation was complete and utter shit and the one after Roorback with the orange cover was what finished the band for me.

I went to the show last year to see Crowbar and tried to listen to some of the Greene stuff in the weeks leading up to it but didn't like anything. I left that gig after Crowbar finished.

I liked some of the early Soulfly material as a teenager but I couldn't stomach them these days. I did see Soulfly doing the Nailbomb album in full twice a few years ago and that was really good.

I loved the Nailbomb album back when it came out but it has aged pretty badly.

It's still good to put on once in a while. I played it to death back in the day. But yes, it sounds really old at this stage. And not in the good way.

Quote from: Carnage on December 12, 2023, 09:07:35 PMMax, one of his sons and another lad. Just listened to a minute or so of this, sounded alright but I'm fully aware that it's likely to get shit fairly quickly:


Threw on about 10 minutes of it last night. It's actually fairly good craic

Quote from: Eoin McLove on December 13, 2023, 03:47:27 AMI loved the Nailbomb album back when it came out but it has aged pretty badly.

About once a year I'd throw that on and still enjoy it

Nailbomb was hit & miss alright, Wasting Away and Blind And Lost were good enough. The live album was a bit pointless, though the DVD version was good craic I suppose.

#50 December 13, 2023, 09:36:57 AM Last Edit: December 13, 2023, 01:28:45 PM by Snare
Quote from: Pagan Saviour on December 12, 2023, 08:10:38 AMSpeaking of Gloria, if you've ever read her blog it does give currency to Kisser/Xisto's version of events that she was ruining the band.

QuoteGood morning my Students, people of the tribe,  people of the world...  Did you know that a terrorist called me on the early morning of 9/11, two hours before the attack on the Word Trade Center?  No, you didn't.  Did you know that your's truly is in possession of a voicemail message from 9/11 that is equivalent to the Zapruder tape of JFK's assassination?  No, you didn't.  Why?  Because the FBI, the 9/11 Commission, The Washington Post, CNN, and everyone else in control of our information decided to bury it.  I have carried this ever since that dreadful morning in 2001 and I will not suppress it anymore.  People need the information...

...It told the past, the present and the future of our world.  A prophecy with a chilling message is there, taking residence in my voicemail.

...I tried to get this information to someone.  I recorded the call and put it on a CD.  I then did what any good manager would do;  I asked our booking agent to book a tour for Soulfly to New York City and to New Jersey.  This gave birth to the Static X/ Soufly US Tour in 2002.

:laugh:  Did she happen upon a copy of Pestilence's "Testamony of the Ancients" I wonder? I see the future, I see the past. I reckon that's what's on the CD anyway if it exists.

And yet despite all that about getting the truth out there, she hasn't shared her recording I imagine.

How she jumps from all that to making a tour booking as a "good manager" is baffling. And nothing aired on that tour either I'd wager...

She sounds mad as a brush.

I got a message from a terrorist and they told me the past and the future. I think you got a call from Mystic Meg, you complete Muppet.

Fuck Sepultura were such an exiting band when they broke here. Most of the other big bands had been in existence when I got into metal in 85. But Sepultura really came out of nowhere, I still remember that headbangers ball footage of the Scottish lad saying they were the "heaviest trashiest band on the planet'from their Marquee gig iirc. Beneath the Remains is top 5 of all time albums for me. The dry production, the lyrics, weird but brilliant. I met them outside the SFX on the Arise tour, share a beer from the tourbus, memories.

How would you rank the them top 5 out of interest

The fact that Roots both then and now receives such praise is surely one of the greatest mysteries of our time. Sepultura sold magazines, so I got the 5K review in Kerrang or whatever ragball publication at the time but don't understand the continued praise it receives from those quarters. It's a turd of an album and a complete chore to get through.

The same thing happened with St Anger, critics that needed that record to keep themselves in a job found all sorts of angles that even Pythagoras was not aware of to award it a 5 star review. But at least sense was restored in subsequent years and those critics had the decency to deny ever lavishing it with such praise.

#56 December 13, 2023, 12:35:47 PM Last Edit: December 13, 2023, 01:05:53 PM by Carnage
1. Arise
2. Beneath The Remains
3. Schizophrenia

I don't really bother with them after that. I have Chaos A.D. and Roots but haven't listened to either in 15-20 years. Bestial Devastation and Morbid Visions are beyond shite and as I said earlier, I find the Green era stuff to be mediocre. A few songs here and there but I can't be bothered with them.

"Adam has been writing for Hammer since 2007"

Top 5 would probably be this, with the top two changing depending on my mood

1. Arise
2. Beneath the Remains
3. Quadra
4. Schizophrenia
5. Dante