Heard the album for the first time round a quarter of a century ago and to this day deem it to be their finest work. The Venom influence is undeniable and they certainly couldn't be accused of reinventing the wheel but to these ears tunes like Fight till Death, Metalstorm/Face the Slayer, The Final Command and Crionics showcase a band on top of their game. Yes they would go on to release far more successful and influential albums but none of that means that their debut isn't a hugely enjoyable listen four decades later. Not bad for a band with no recording budget at the time. Would've been great had they revisited this style on at least one of their subsequent albums.🤘

A classic .

Went chips with the brother to buy it on vinyl ,think is was five pound s .still have it that copy .pocket money was tight 😂

Reign in blood is their best in my opinion

Reign In Blood isn't in Slayer's top 3 IMO.

Fantastic album, still holds up well. Like Kill 'Em All it's dripping in NWOBHM influence, which is no bad thing. Bought that, Live Undead, Hell Awaits and South Of Heaven on tape in the late '80s from a local grocery shop with a surprisingly good metal selection, still play it regularly.

One of the greatest of all time. Show No Mercy and Hell Awaits influenced more than half of what gets discussed here yet both records oft overlooked in terms of discussing Slayers discography

They are without question the 2 best Slayer albums. Only overlooked by posers  :abbath:

Oh lads they all have lovely bottoms. First 5 Slayer albums are all great in their own ways. Show no mercy has more musicality on it than the rest. Great stuff

One for the controversial opinions thread but I think Hell Awaits is fairly shite to be honest. Title track is great but aside from that it's subpar.

Quote from: Carnage on January 21, 2024, 10:14:43 PMOne for the controversial opinions thread but I think Hell Awaits is fairly shite to be honest. Title track is great but aside from that it's subpar.

I'll hop in the dinghy with yiz, HA is poop. It's in that weird middle ground of trying to pull away from the NWOBHM roots, and the all conquering shit that followed. And the production is cat.

But in the good spirit of the thread, SNM is a banger. Not my favourite Slayer album (probably my fifth favourite), but still a 10/10 release.

Quote from: Carnage on January 21, 2024, 10:14:43 PMOne for the controversial opinions thread but I think Hell Awaits is fairly shite to be honest. Title track is great but aside from that it's subpar.

agreed....show no mercy their best in my book anyway

QuoteOne for the controversial opinions thread but I think Hell Awaits is fairly shite to be honest. Title track is great but aside from that it's subpar.

Ah that's crack-pipe talk lads. Kill Again, Necrophiliac, Dawn They Sleep, reprising the intro for the outro - 'tis all glorious a hands down classic.

#10 January 22, 2024, 11:54:40 AM Last Edit: January 22, 2024, 06:25:35 PM by Paul keohane
I cant understand how any metal head could call any of the first 5 Slayer shit tbh.We all have our favourites,but none of them could you call shite!.Mad talk!

The songs aren't great, the playing is sloppy, and the production's muddy. It's better than Undisputed Attitude (everything is) but other than that it's their worst album for me.

Could be my favourite/the best Slayer album.