November 30, 2023, 10:58:51 PM Last Edit: November 30, 2023, 11:01:47 PM by Eoin McLove
Best album/ song intros. Let's do it!


The intro riff to The Words That Crawled.

And I'm going to propose I Will Nail You In as a wild card. The utter absence of any sort of build up, straight into total grind hell... it's like the anti-intro.

As I just put in the metal thoughts thread...

Destruction - Curse the Gods.   The long slow build up, then that riff about a minute in. 

Vital Remains!

#3 November 30, 2023, 11:19:22 PM Last Edit: November 30, 2023, 11:20:59 PM by leatherface
That opening gate sound on 'Lunatic..' on Deicide's first album.

Long intros or just the first few moments?

If the later the first thing that comes to mind is BETHLEHEM Dictius....

Ides of March/ wrathchild.. every metal/thrash album since has tried to capture that and failed

SYL - City (Velvet Kevorkian). The ticking timer and the absolute fucking Bomb goes off.

SYL - Oh My Fucking God.
QuoteWell gentlemen, a great deal of money has been spent on this project and we can't allow it to fail

SYL - Detox. Get the fuck in there

Mr Self Destruct opening up The Downward Spiral also has to be considered.

Not sure whether we're talking about effects/samples or musical intros but anyway:

The gradual speeding up of the intro to Fall From Grace on Blessed Are The Sick.

South Of Heaven's opening notes, and then that power chord.

The synth intro to Unleashed Upon Mankind.

The Prisoner sample on, well, The Prisoner.

First one that came to mind after seeing the thread title

Quote from: ManowarGrandfather! Tell me a story!

Quote from: Carnage on December 01, 2023, 12:11:33 AMSouth Of Heaven's opening notes, and then that power chord.

I'm not mad into them at all but that's a great shout there

Decide have plenty of gems,quick drink in a minute in a minute youll feel drowsey..
Satyr speaking on Satyricons the shadow throne Kampen mot Gud(roughly translated,the war between god and christ has started) before blasting into Hvite Krists dod was always class.

I used to love the extended riffing with no vocals you used to get at the start of some 80's thrash, the likes of March of the SOD, Death Squad, No Hope, Agent Orange and the like.

When Jerusalem by Sleep was released, that riff intro was stretched to about 8 minutes before you got the first verse of vocals, loved it.

The church bell at the beginning of Black Sabbath. Timeless.

You Can't Bring Me Down, it just builds and builds until "What the hell is going on around here?" and kicks in. Delicious.

Dystopia's "Stress Builds Character". Greatest intro ever. The rant over the first few minutes is amazing