Mgla Wer excellent as always last night, only wished they played a longer set. First time seeing molekh and was really impressed. Haven't seen the voodoo that packed in ages, was crazy!

I hear you're racist now father? Good gig but a wonky speaker meant some real crap sound in parts of the room. Molekh and Mgla were class though.

#65 June 15, 2019, 10:42:38 PM Last Edit: June 15, 2019, 10:45:50 PM by Lost-Paradise
Quote from: Scáthach on June 15, 2019, 08:07:34 PM
I hear you're racist now father? Good gig but a wonky speaker meant some real crap sound in parts of the room. Molekh and Mgla were class though.

Molekh were "alright" . I mean I love my avant garde, odd time signature death/black metal as much as the next guy,  but there's only only so much nonsensical riffage and blasts that one can take till it just becomes noise. Artsy noise that is. Mgla were absolutely brilliant of course.
I also found it hilarious when Molekh had their edgy faces on and had their backs to the audience and were just about to start when one of the guitarists broke character and shouted at someone that the intro track wasn't working.

They were about to start and he shouted that the intro track wasn't working. Maybe years of gig going has taken a toll on your hearing, unless you were actually at Mumford and Sons the other night and got mixed up.

One of the guys ran up to the sound man before starting to pick out the intro track on his phone, was a bit funny but didn't cut into the performance much.
Only glitch I noticed was dodgy sound on a clean vocal part during eternal helcaraxe but sound was pretty decent in the middle between the 2 pillars.

Class night anyway, I really liked Molekh - excited to hear a record in the future and the performance was vicious. Glad to catch Mgla too after missing them last time around, was a bit confused by the crowd surfing and moshing, but I can sort of get it with the extra pace they put into the songs.

Quote from: Lost-Paradise on June 16, 2019, 08:17:38 PM
They were about to start and he shouted that the intro track wasn't working. Maybe years of gig going has taken a toll on your hearing, unless you were actually at Mumford and Sons the other night and got mixed up.

I'm in the band you Muppet. The soundman said over the PA that he couldn't get the intro track working and asked one of us to go to him. That's it. Big whoop

I'm in the band you Muppet. The soundman said over the PA that he couldn't get the intro track working and asked one of us to go to him. That's it. Big whoop

You're in Mumford & Sons? No way!!! What are you doing on these forums???!? 

Managed only to catch Mgla.. Absolutely savage gig 

Quote from: Abandon All Hope on June 17, 2019, 12:04:11 AM
Managed only to catch Mgla.. Absolutely savage gig

Lucky you, you missed this really unprofessional support band who made a big deal out of their intro track not being played.