July 09, 2023, 11:52:57 AM Last Edit: July 10, 2023, 01:40:53 AM by Eoin McLove
I need a logo for a new project I'm working on. I have been trying to come up with something myself but I'm having no luck. Each idea I try seems even worse than the last so it is time to see if I can get an outside perspective. Anyone here fancy giving it a bash? Musically it's quite a mixed bag, and different to anything I've done before so I'm not sure exactly how I should capture that in a logo. Or even if I need to, but I'm definitely overthinking it and getting stuck in shitsville. Anyone who feels game give us a shout and I'll be happy to pay a few bob, of course. Save me!

I can't do any meself but was recently sent this lad, who we will probably get to do a logo for us soon: https://www.luciferiumwargraphics.com/home/
Good variety in his work, I know a lad who hired him before and said he was lovely and reasonably priced.

Looks like I might have someone on the case already but let's see what pans out. Cheers for the link  8)