Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 10, 2021, 10:08:00 AM
DC Bruce Robertson is probably worse than Begbie IMO.
I haven't read Filth in so long but yeah, you're likely right, he is a true cunt.

Just started "A Confederacy Of Dunces" by John Kennedy Toole.

Enjoying it so far - a comic novel that's actually funny.

Quote from: StoutAndAle on June 14, 2021, 11:12:37 AM
Just started "A Confederacy Of Dunces" by John Kennedy Toole.

Enjoying it so far - a comic novel that's actually funny.

I've heard good things about that allright, must keep me eye out for a copy of it.

Is he worse than Franco Begbie?

I would say Dangerfield equals and possibly even surpasses, Begbies level of scumbaggery.

Always said I'd read it once I reached 40, and since that was a few weeks ago already, I plunged into the first 50 pages of Ulysses today. Didn't expect to get so far in just a day, given that 50 pages of Finnegans Wake takes me about a month.

I got about halfway through Dubliners and shelved it. Nothing there for me. I can't imagine tackling his 'difficult'work.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 20, 2021, 01:17:45 AM
Always said I'd read it once I reached 40, and since that was a few weeks ago already, I plunged into the first 50 pages of Ulysses today.

Saving that one for my retirement. Curious to see if you enjoy it.

I have Dubliners on the shelf for a few years now. Never touched it.

Quote from: Emphyrio on June 20, 2021, 08:58:30 AM
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 20, 2021, 01:17:45 AM
Always said I'd read it once I reached 40, and since that was a few weeks ago already, I plunged into the first 50 pages of Ulysses today.

Saving that one for my retirement. Curious to see if you enjoy it.

Dislocated my knee yesterday, so got another 50 pages read waiting in A&E. Unless it takes a drastic turn for the worse at some point, I think I'm set to get a lot of enjoyment out of it. Definitely glad so far to have waited until this point in my life though, where I've absorbed just enough random culture that my brain has somewhere to go as the text sends it endlessly scrambling about the place. Definitely an experience so far. And the word "cunt" has already appeared once and all!

Finished up Children of Dune, found it a bit of a slog compared to the first two. Jumped straight into God Emperor though and it's hitting the spot much better

I finished Madhouse at the End of the Earth the other night. Thoroughly enjoyable stuff.

I moved on to Should We Stay or Should We Go by Lionel Shriver. I'm about three quarters through it and it's fairly entertaining even if the writing style irks me a little at times.

I ordered a copy of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë from the local supermarket here. Suffice to say there wasn't much to choose from so I grabbed the only classic they had in stock. 80 pages in and it's a winner. So far it is kind of like the female equivalent of Oliver Twist. Riveting stuff.

No Mills & Boone?

Unfortunately they were all sold out but I did manage to pick up a comb for my vagina.

Just started Orwell's Down And Out In Paris And London, in case I'd enjoy the weekend too much. I must pick up Miller's Tropic Of Cancer, a good companion piece to it. Last time I read it I was in hospital with a kidney stone, just to compound the misery.

I read Down and Out around twenty years ago. I remember really enjoying it.