#1695 September 19, 2024, 05:27:46 PM Last Edit: September 19, 2024, 06:12:46 PM by Mooncat
Quote from: Carnage on September 19, 2024, 12:45:22 AMI'm a third of the way through Bob Mould's autobiography at the moment, it's not bad. Maybe I was spoiled by Peter Hook's Joy Division book, that went into quite a lit of detail about pretty much every element of their career but this seems to be fairly vague in places, skips over a lot of specifics. I'm enjoying it though, just coming to the end of the Hüsker Dü period so there's still plenty to go.

It inspired me to go looking for the HD CDs (I own none of theirs and all of Mould's), I'm assuming they're mostly out of print as the prices for secondhand are fairly hefty.

Sad to hear it's only not bad. I've had that one on my shelf to read for a few months and been looking forward to it. I absolutely fucking love Husker Du. Hearing 'I'll Never Forget You' for the first time was world-changing for me. That part where he's screaming it so hard that his voice cracks is one of my favourite moments in music ever.

Quote from: StoutAndAle on September 19, 2024, 10:42:48 AMA great Saturday afternoon/evening cans and records pairing is the twofer of "Zen Arcade" and The Minutemen's "Double Nickels On The Dime".

Fuck yeah! If I had to somehow come up with a top 5 albums of all time, I'd say both of these would make it, and I have done that twofer with cans many times. Also a strange coincidence but both these albums were released on the day I was born! I fucking curse SST for being such a shitshow and these albums not getting the full success they deserved.

Actually, given this is the book thread, the book about the rise and fall of SST 'Corporate Rock Sucks' is a really good read. It's fun to go through it and listen to each band/album on the way through. There's also a cool podcast called Mojack where they go through every SST release in order and talk about it. Also a good one to listen to the podcast episode and then listen to the album/EP after. That'll keep you busy for a while!

Oh don't get me wrong, it's very enjoyable. I'm just comparing it to the last music bio I'd read, which went into minute detail about every aspect of that band's activity. Keep looking forward to it, it's well worth reading. I'm still less than halfway through it and the band have just split, so there's plenty of HD material.

Just ordered both of the Peter Hook books (the Joy Division and New Order ones) based off of this thread. Really looking forward to them.

I haven't read the New Order one but the Hacienda book is also pretty good. Shows how clueless they all were and how cavalier Tony Wilson was when it came to spending money.

Starting into On the Origin of the Species by Tom Clancy.

Quote from: Mooncat on September 19, 2024, 05:37:05 PMJust ordered both of the Peter Hook books (the Joy Division and New Order ones) based off of this thread. Really looking forward to them.

My buddy bought me a copy of the Joy Division one for my birthday last week. Apparently it's be out of print for a few months.

I have put it next up on my list.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on September 19, 2024, 11:34:42 PMStarting into On the Origin of the Species by Tom Clancy.

That the one where Jack Ryan goes to the Galapagos and shoots everything?!

Recording the lizards... WITH A BAZOOKA!

The New Order book arrived today. Jesus christ it's a beast. Like War and Peace size!

#1704 September 21, 2024, 05:31:27 PM Last Edit: September 21, 2024, 05:33:44 PM by John Kimble

Bought this purely as a holiday read for a week abroad with the family. Virtually unreadable. I get that many aspects of heavy metal are so inherently ridiculous that it warrants a humourous approach, but every second line is a "hilarious" quip or anecdote. Had to abandon after three chapters

Was given it for Xmas last year. Read a bit of it but your man is a melt.

Yeah he used to have a 'funny' column in Terrorizer which would have put me off reading any book of his.
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Quote from: Mooncat on September 19, 2024, 05:37:05 PMJust ordered both of the Peter Hook books (the Joy Division and New Order ones) based off of this thread. Really looking forward to them.
they are good reads, funny parts in them too. Hooky can tell a tall tale, I imagine some of his stories have taken certain liberties ha ha

I read You Were Never Here by Jonathan Ames over the weekend. Fairly short book, but excellent. I couldn't put it down. I've only read two of his books and have enjoyed both so I'll definitely check out more of his material. He wrote the TV show Vored To Death too which I love

Quote from: Necro Red on September 30, 2024, 11:11:10 AMI read You Were Never Here by Jonathan Ames over the weekend. Fairly short book, but excellent. I couldn't put it down. I've only read two of his books and have enjoyed both so I'll definitely check out more of his material. He wrote the TV show Vored To Death too which I love

Great writer. I don't know which other ones you've read but I recommend "I Pass Like Night", "What's Not To Love" and "My Less Than Secret Life" also.

"Bored To Death" was brilliant, Ted Danson was class i it. I never got around to watching Ames' other show "Blunt Talk" though.

Started in on Hooky's "Unknown Pleasures" - very, very enjoyable so far.