Yes I'd agree, the Shining is top notch though and Misery also. His Bachman books was a good read too, 4 short novels.
I read the one about JFK too and it's draggy.
Actually read Libra by Dan de Lillo if you want a good read about JFK assassination.

Read Dying of the Light by GRRM over the last couple of days. Had started it a year or two ago but didn't get past the first couple of chapters. Randomly picked it up then the other day and flew through it. Not bad actually, and a pretty scaldy finish for the protagonist.

Went down the library then and found The Bazaar of Bad Dreams by Stephen King, which I think Carnage told me about here before. Looking forward to that now hopefully it's decent.

I bought Knife by Salman Rushdie today. Looking forward to that even though it is likely to be somewhat on the harrowing side.

Re-reeading The Crossing by Cormac McCarthy.

Just started reading The Lord of the Rings. I was back home last weekend so I grabbed the massive illustrated edition which has been sitting in my room gathering dust for years. I couldn't get into it as a teenager, I was more into Stephen King and Clive Barker and didn't have the patience for the pacing of the book.

Currently halfway through the first book and I'm completely engrossed. It helps that I've only seen bits of the movies so I'm not overly familiar with the story. 

Currently struggling my way through this:

Written in quite a pedestrian style and there are one or two moments which you would think would spark off a side conversation regarding certain people's psychological states but are swiftly glossed over.

I finally picked up The Satanic Verses. I tried to read it when I was around 13 but it was a bit too complex for me  :laugh: hopefully at the far side of 40 it'll be more enjoyable.

I picked up Grace by Paul Lynch and I'm 65 pages in. I'm enjoying this a lot more than I enjoyed Prophet Song which felt a bit one dimensional to me. Beyond the Sea was very good too, so for now he's winning 2/1.

Yep Prophet Song was fine but a bit one dimensional as you say.
Around the same time I read Sebastian Barry's Old God's Time. It wouldn't be a book I'd pick up for myself but got it as a present.  It's a great book, strange too.

I must pick up Old God's Time. Ice enjoyed anything I've read by Sebastian Barry. I'm ping ponging between Grace and The Satanic Verses. Two winners.

Reading Cities of the plain by Cormac McCarthy. Enjoyed much of the Crossing but there is certainly 100 pages or so that drags, first 120 odd pages is some of his best writing though.

Read Stephen King's "The Outsider". It was pretty decent. Apparently there's a TV series too.

I bought it under the impression that King had made a decision to write a straight-up crime novel with a procedural investigation/"Law & Order" style narrative.

The series is good, well worth a watch. The book's on my list.

Started reading Irvine Welsh's "Porno" the other day.

It's pretty good so far but I'm not burning through it like I did with "Trainspotting" a few months back.

Finished up Grace by Paul Lynch just now. I think this one is his masterpiece. Truly great. His poetic style suits the mystical nature of the story.