I lived in Prague and read alot of Kafka there in my early 20s. Really loved his writing.  Currently reading Empire of Pain about Sackler family. Good so far.

I love Metamorphosis, though not even the bug story the most. There's just so much going on in it on every level.

Other than that, have still only read The Trial (one of my favourite endings in any book). Really must get on to The Castle as soon as possible.

I think his short stories are fantastic. There is a kafkaesque vibe going on.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on March 15, 2022, 09:08:28 PM
I love Metamorphosis, though not even the bug story the most. There's just so much going on in it on every level.

Other than that, have still only read The Trial (one of my favourite endings in any book). Really must get on to The Castle as soon as possible.

The Castle is good but not a patch on The Trial. Metamorphisis is great too. The phrase "Like a dog" goes through my mind at least once a day since I've read The Trial, usually for the most trivial of reasons.

Currently reading Lost Worlds by Michael Bywater. It's excellent.

Started Dr Sax by Jack Kerouac. It is very poetic in style and an easy read. It has been on my list for awhile

Recently read the Mark Lanegan autobiography. Bleak and totally captivating read. Highly recommended.

A Canticle for Leibowitz. A frustrating read in many ways. It could be argued that nothing really happens til the last 50 pages or so but lots of interesting philosophy at times. A bit like a debate with BSC. 😉

The Fireman by Joe Hill. 100 pages in and it's very good so far.

Started The Expanse books. On to the second one now. Fantastic sci fi. A definite page turner. For the budget the TV show had they did a brilliant job in adapting it.

Grit by Anita Duckworth

I finished Moby Dick last night. Dunno. 624 pages which could have been condensed to around 40  :laugh: A struggle for me.

Reading Paul Ham's one on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A very thorough look at both the development of quantum theory, the development of the bomb and how horribly Japanese people were existing even before they dropped the two boyz.

Some lash of clichés come directly from breakthroughs in nuclear physics.

Quote from: Emphyrio on April 26, 2022, 11:04:24 AM
Recently read the Mark Lanegan autobiography. Bleak and totally captivating read. Highly recommended.

A Canticle for Leibowitz. A frustrating read in many ways. It could be argued that nothing really happens til the last 50 pages or so but lots of interesting philosophy at times. A bit like a debate with BSC. 😉

The Fireman by Joe Hill. 100 pages in and it's very good so far.

Yeah read mark lanegan completely agree
Grim as fu#k but could not put it down.
Great insight into the grunge era. Miracle he made it to 57.

I haven't given much time to Screaming Trees, they always seemed like also-rans in that scene but Lanegan seems to have been in the thick of things with loads of the better known characters. As grim as the book is, he has some very funny stuff in there. The Liam Gallagher story is brilliant. What a knob.

Quote from: Emphyrio on April 27, 2022, 10:55:26 AM
I haven't given much time to Screaming Trees, they always seemed like also-rans in that scene but Lanegan seems to have been in the thick of things with loads of the better known characters. As grim as the book is, he has some very funny stuff in there. The Liam Gallagher story is brilliant. What a knob.
Was hoping he was going to kick the shit out of Gallagher 🤣 loved all the layne staley encounters as I'm a massive early alice fan. His solo work though hit and miss imo has some excellent albums.  Whiskey for the Holy ghost is class.  The level of talent he had, he should have been huge, whether with Screaming or solo but his substance abuse put a halt to that.

Still on a Sci-fi buzz and read The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester. It is one of those books that could be adapted for the big screen, surprised it hasn't really. Half way through The Blade Artist by Irvine Welsh which is a handy read. I didn't know it involved a character from trainspotting which was a nice surprise.

#1124 May 10, 2022, 10:27:00 AM Last Edit: June 05, 2022, 02:20:23 PM by Carnage
Quote from: Necro Red on May 10, 2022, 10:14:00 AMStill on a Sci-fi buzz and read The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester. It is one of those books that could be adapted for the big screen, surprised it hasn't really.

I think there's a series in the works, I heard rumblings about it a couple of years ago. Excellent book, the basis for an album by Slough Feg, I believe. I must read more of his.

Stephen King had a short story inspired by it, and the idea of 'jaunting'. The Jaunt, collected in Skeleton Crew.