Quote from: open face surgery on November 25, 2023, 03:03:04 PMYa, while I had agreed with certain things he had said in the past, everything he has said in relation to Israel Palestine is fuckin sickening.

Well, he had also voiced his support of Thatcter on occasion and even suggested she didn't go far enough in relation to NI. He's certainly a cunt.

The Palestine thing depends on what side of the fence you're on there (let's not do that one on here). I know he is a British conservative and a lot of Irish people find that distasteful. I cherry pick what I find useful from him but find about 80% of it is valid and insightful. That particular quote I believe is correct.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 25, 2023, 02:53:15 PMYou're a fuckin' eejit if you can't see the kind of colonial dickhead he is.

The entire off topic thread on this forum constitutes empirical evidence of what a self righteous asshole you are.

#227 November 25, 2023, 03:33:20 PM Last Edit: November 25, 2023, 03:54:37 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
You don't need to have a side of the fence on Palestine to know that a Brit who comes along speaking nice of fellow white imperialists who happen to be Nazis in order to score points against brown terrorists is thereby a cunt. Either a bad faith disingenuous cunt, saying anything to win an argument, or else an actual Nazi sympathizing cunt. Personally I don't care which of those two toilets he gets chucked in.

[post edited]

I've endulged your neurotic arse enough for one week. No more.

#229 November 25, 2023, 03:37:47 PM Last Edit: November 25, 2023, 03:56:40 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Edit: I'm going to apologize, I went overboard there. Let's just say that over the last 6 weeks the name Douglas Murray has become more of a trigger for me than ever before.

I've actually never heard of him as far as I know and I think I won't bother now

#231 November 26, 2023, 01:26:03 AM Last Edit: November 26, 2023, 01:34:57 AM by astfgyl
Thinking there about this current "rise of the far right" crap we are being subjected to lately.

What does that even fucking mean when there's no actual political party that anyone can mention with right wing views who are growing at all. If there was an election tomorrow there wouldn't be votes in ballot boxes for the likes of the national party or I actually can't even think of any other ones tbh but that is the point - who exactly is this mythical far right we keep being warned about that will actually do anything?

It must be the people themselves, rudderless yet coming out of the woodwork with the right wing views all by themselves in that case. I see it day by day changing to certain views but it's always laid at the feet of the current government rather than anyone saying they heard something they support from this lad or that lad. For example going back to the beginning of 2022 you had people saying things like those poor Ukrainians running from war and all that but then what happened happened and now we have the same people singing a different song altogether about the whole lot. Are they the far right then that we are being warned are on the rise? Who is leading them and I'm talking about the farmers and local business heads that I do be taking to, not the tracksuited riot protest style eejits who have nothing else to do because they're on the dole while the rest of us (and that rest of us includes a lot of immigrants by the way) have to turn up to work every day and pay for the cunts.

So then the creators of this unicorn that is the far right must be the government themselves and what does that tell them? Nothing, because they keep doubling down but every day are losing more and more support for it.

I actually think we are a centrist country in the main but we have no centrist party because it's either all or nothing with the current crowd but just leaning the other way towards the hard left in their policies or more accurately some of their actions. The way it is now, anything to the right of that even if it's 50 percent left looks like the hard right by comparison but what's even worse is that it only looks like that on the face of it with certain issues because then you look at how the government are entirely in the pockets of international corporations and financiers just as they always have been and that really isn't very socialist at all of them is it?

Seeing the scenes from Dublin the other night boils my blood. One of my mates and another mate's bro who are guards got caught up in the shit. The mate's bro was one of the first on the scene, gave the 5 year old first aid, and later ended up getting punched in the head by one of these local heroes. They should be fucking put down for their carry on. And pretending to give a fuck about anyone but themselves, jumping on whatever cause is going as an excuse to cause mayhem. Fuck the lot of them. Scum.

Meanwhile the 5 year old is fighting for her life. So I think the cunt who stabbed her should be locked up forever as well.

Yeah, utter scum. But according to some they deserve it all for inconveniencing people with questions a fee years ago.  :-\

And it was the same fire engine that arrived on the scene at the start to render assistance was later attacked trying to respond to a premises set on fire.

Robbing the children's hospital related charity box in McDonalds on a day like that when children have just been hospitalised just topped it off really.

I heard some local hero also filmed the girl bleeding on the ground as she was being treated and they wouldn't stop recording when pleaded with? Assuming there's truth to this, as it unfortunately seems believable in this day and age. WTF is wrong with people??

Quote from: Snare on November 26, 2023, 11:39:12 AMI heard some local hero also filmed the girl bleeding on the ground as she was being treated and they wouldn't stop recording when pleaded with? Assuming there's truth to this, as it unfortunately seems believable in this day and age. WTF is wrong with people??

Didn't hear about this but a video is doing the rounds of an MSM reporter (Haven't seen it mentioned yet who he is with) crossing the police tape pretending to be a concerned parent so he could get photos of the little girl being treated. Onlookers shouted at him and he then pretended to not know what he was doing while covering his face and trying to get away from the scene as quickly as possible.

Bloody hell, it makes you wonder what goes on in people's heads if he thought that wasn't a cunty thing to do.

Any motive for the attack or is he just a mental head case?

Quote from: Kunt 4 Life on November 26, 2023, 01:11:23 PMBloody hell, it makes you wonder what goes on in people's heads if he thought that wasn't a cunty thing to do.

Any motive for the attack or is he just a mental head case?

They are starting to spin the 'suspect had a row over social welfare payments' angle more or less the same thing they claimed the airport stabbing was over.

Saw that. What a load of crap. As compared to other countries I've been to the Gardai do a pretty good job. Nowhere is perfect but on balance they are pretty fair. To see them on the ropes like that was shocking. I can understand the anger, but in no way can I justify what they did with it.

Quote from: mickO))) on November 26, 2023, 12:47:45 PM
Quote from: Snare on November 26, 2023, 11:39:12 AMI heard some local hero also filmed the girl bleeding on the ground as she was being treated and they wouldn't stop recording when pleaded with? Assuming there's truth to this, as it unfortunately seems believable in this day and age. WTF is wrong with people??

Didn't hear about this but a video is doing the rounds of an MSM reporter (Haven't seen it mentioned yet who he is with) crossing the police tape pretending to be a concerned parent so he could get photos of the little girl being treated. Onlookers shouted at him and he then pretended to not know what he was doing while covering his face and trying to get away from the scene as quickly as possible.

May well be the same thing affected by Chinese whispers.  :-\

There's more and more coming out, but it's hard to figure out what the actual truth is.
Seen a video clip of one aul' cunt in a mobility scooter whizzing around the riots with a tri-colour draped over him.

They deserve every welfare payment revoked for life.

And the scumbag who attacked the kids deserves every beating coming to him in prison.