Quote from: Blizzard Beast on July 31, 2024, 01:13:28 PMThat's sad to see guy is a mess and needs help.
Looks like he's wearing flip flops?

Yeah it's flip flops,they do look like a pair of New Rocks ducted taped to fuck though at some times!

Spotted someone on the Reddit thread saying Pete Sandoval's wife was in the comments on the YouTube when it was initially posted.

A total legend,grim to see him in that state!.

Picking the entrance of an abandoned Bank as your spot of choice to kill yourself?.

I can only imagine what it was like being on a tour bus with him in recent times!

Very sad!

Quote from: Eoin McLove on July 31, 2024, 09:15:24 AMThe footwear element is strange. Her must have money in the bank at this point with the longevity and success of MA's career. Is he a man child who can't look after himself or has he blown all his cash on drugs and drink? He sounds really mentally damaged in the video, like he's completely out of his mind. Is he just high or has he given himself brain damage from decades of abuse?

He has some form of Autism I think maybe that aspergers thing. Probably has some other issues along with that plus the years of drink and drugs can't have helped matters. I think he may even still live with his mother or at the very least she is still a big part of his life as I have seen all her all over youtube doing interviews over the last few years. She seemed to be very good at encouraging him with music when he was a child so who knows maybe she went overboard (in a spoiling him kind of way) not knowing and it had a negative effect on him.

I watched one interview with her before and she said he took the negative reactions to Illud very hard and for long periods of time refused to interact with anyone.

Didn't see the video on youtube but downloaded it from another forum. I switched it off after two minutes and deleted it. No interest in seeing someone who's music I love in that kind of state.

I wonder what her favourite album is?

Quote from: Don Gately on August 01, 2024, 08:29:42 AMI wonder what her favourite album is?

Altars of course the same as everyone else.

She prefers their earlier stuff, but tells Trey that everything he does is fantastic especially Illud.

Quote from: Bürggermeister on August 01, 2024, 08:38:11 AM(Baby) Formulas?

Children's Allowance Day Celebration might be just an interlude, but it's her favourite track for sure.

It has to be Maze Of Torment. Poor Trey, hope he does get the help he needs. It seems like a cry for help being honest though. Generally people don't act the way he's acting and off themselves.

I hope you are right, Necro Red. If he has friends to talk to and to steer him towards getting professional help, maybe get him clean, he'll  be ok.

I'd say friends are well gone at this stage.

Definitely one of the reasons why Vincent walked I reckon.   

It is a shame, especially as its so public too. Hope he gets sorted and on the mend. Could be a midlife crisis/thing cry for help either.

Off the point but back to the main topic, I've never really given Gateways much time until recently. I can see why it's not lauded with the classics, it doesn't have that velocity or vitality of the early records really, it's slow and much less dynamic, but fuck me if it's not really heavy. What was the reaction to this at the time? I know I downloaded it a long, long time ago and it wasn't what I was looking for at all in DM then. Was I wrong or have I mellowed a bit and can accept a shift in styles, hitting more of that mid-tempo pace? There isn't exactly a whole lot of memorable riffing going on, but there's something intoxicating about it, I keep coming back to it.