Just watched it there, that man is on his way out. Between the drugs and his mental state he'll be gone by the end of the week, never mind the end of the year. Sad to see.

That is really fucking sad. I was hoping after the collapse and that troubling fan interview last year that he would get some help, and I figured him going on tour again was a good sign, but apparently not.   

Hopefully family or friends get a 5150 hold on him and get him to a psych ward. Although a loaded gun and Florida cops trying to reason with him could be a terrible mix.

He's fucked. Here's hoping it's not too late for him to get help but he sounds like he's already far over the edge.

It seems to have been taken down. Is he filming himself or is somebody documenting his spiral downward?

Quote from: Circlepit on July 31, 2024, 07:13:49 AMIt seems to have been taken down. Is he filming himself or is somebody documenting his spiral downward?

It's still there.  He's filming himself.  Poor fella his footwear held together with electrical tape. Sad to see a such a brilliant musician fallen so low. 

@Circlepit = It's floating around online but was taken down off his youtube I think, he mentions how he knows it would get taken down from there during the video. Basically it's just him  calmly (which makes it more unnerving)rambling about suicidal ideation outside of an abandoned bank in the middle of the afternoon. At one point he shows a gun he has that he'd theoretically do it with. Talks about how he's nearly 60 and he's lived a full life. it's sad.

The footwear element is strange. Her must have money in the bank at this point with the longevity and success of MA's career. Is he a man child who can't look after himself or has he blown all his cash on drugs and drink? He sounds really mentally damaged in the video, like he's completely out of his mind. Is he just high or has he given himself brain damage from decades of abuse?

When you're that far gone things like footwear and generally looking after yourself don't register. Hope he can get help.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on July 31, 2024, 09:15:24 AMIs he just high or has he given himself brain damage from decades of abuse?
Probably a bit of both. The amount of times he keeps sniffing during the video makes it sound like he threw a load up his nose beforehand, but he also hasn't been right for a while

Hopefully the right people saw it that can get him some proper care

Fuck that's sad, He's absolutely fucked beyond return. "This would be a beautiful place to die"  :'(

#73 July 31, 2024, 11:38:28 AM Last Edit: July 31, 2024, 11:41:37 AM by Black Shepherd Carnage
He sounds more cognitively alert and lucid than I was expecting tbh. Some schizophrenic elements, but sounds primarily like severe depression. Reminds me of something I used to say about psychedelics, that it's not so much the trip that can make you crazy as the return to grim reality, that classic existential impression of being subjected in living to something inherently oppressive. What clearer reflection of the grimness of someone's reality than that the place they find most beautiful in their local environment, in their habitat, is an abandoned bank that nature is slowly trying to take back over? It is very sad, all the more so that I'd tend to believe, listening to him and seeing what he's seeing, that his environment, local and national, are at least as much at cause as any potential concrete neural deterioration. No sure cures for any of this stuff, but he sounds like the kind of depressed individual who'd be transformed if their daily reality was shifted to a routine of productive contact with nature and other people, lending a hand on a cooperative farm or something.

That's sad to see guy is a mess and needs help.
Looks like he's wearing flip flops?