Jesus, haven't exactly checked in on him for a while, but don't think I'd have recognized him out of context the way he looks in that interview.

Fuck!,state of his arms!.Met Trey and Eric Rutan after the 2001 show in Templebar,absolutely sound lads.Sad to see Trey in this condition!

Can't see the picture ye are talking about.

To be honest those sores look more like some sort of staph infection over needle sores.
If he played the next nights show to a professional standard who knows what's going on.

Saw a comment saying he had been burning his arms with cigarettes for some dare game. Dunno how much of that I believe though haha

I thought they looked like bad burns alright, but who knows. Strange behaviour for a grown man. I never realised he was such a damaged individual, but then again, beyond their music I know almost nothing about any of them. Let's hope he gets himself healthy again. It would be an awful loss to see him slip down the drain at a young age.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on April 24, 2023, 12:19:20 PMI thought they looked like bad burns alright, but who knows. Strange behaviour for a grown man. I never realised he was such a damaged individual, but then again, beyond their music I know almost nothing about any of them. Let's hope he gets himself healthy again. It would be an awful loss to see him slip down the drain at a young age.

Yeah, he's known for playing 'games' involving putting out cigarettes on his arm - and other weird shit (rat fishing!). It's come out recently that he has Asperger's Syndrome which doesn't surprise me in the slightest - the extreme social awkwardness often associated with this can manifest itself in confrontational / 'asshole' behaviour as a sort of shield - just look at him recently being pictured with "Kill AOC [well known liberal US politician]" written on his arm - this is the provocative shite most of us get over when we're 17, not 57! He's clearly on a spiral downwards at the moment - even the fact that he's doing interviews on camera and speaking to the crowd at gigs (and doing himself no favours with either) is a very recent thing. Perhaps lockdown played hell with his mental health?

QuoteI never realised he was such a damaged individual, but then again, beyond their music I know almost nothing about any of them. Let's hope he gets himself healthy again. It would be an awful loss to see him slip down the drain at a young age.

Personally I always thought he was on the spectrum,  all you have to do is look at his thank you list on any of the early MA records - you get glimpses of the real character through those. I met him myself before the Gateways show and he seemed a thoroughly nice bloke but very quirky and a bit manic.

Who knows what the effect of lockdowns and so forth have had on the mental health of someone who perhaps could be classed as a vulnerable individual. Throw drink/drugs into the mix and the effects are magnified.

As you say hope he gets healthy, but at 58 you'd need to get a grip you're no longer a younglad.

As the man himself (and the shirt) would state -
'Extreme Music For Extreme People'

I take it as standard that people who have created something of genius, like he has, are 'unhinged' in some form!

Havent seen Trey in vids for years but he looks pretty bad in that interview,sad to see a man battling the booze and his demons.

QuoteI take it as standard that people who have created something of genius, like he has, are 'unhinged' in some form!

I think that's a fair enough statement. Also think the political landscape in America seems to be digested in terms of something like WWF characters with goodies and baddies depending on your side, so putting "kill AOC" on your arm is not so surprising. It's not the same as having "Kill Beverly Cooper-Flynn" written on your arm in biro.

I remember reading old interviews with him in the 90s noting that he was a manic, chain-smoking motormouth

Dunno if people have seen the video that's doing the rounds at the moment of oul Trey talking about killing himself but it's quite clear the lad is seriously mentally unwell. I'd be amazed if he makes it to the end of the year. Sad stuff.

Sidebar, him saying Mobid Angel's satanism was "kind of a joke" and giving out about death metal fans being liberal/left is hilarious.

Seen it yeah is hard to watch to be honest.  Guy is deeply depressed and out if it on whatever he's snorting.

Saw it earlier. Its tough to watch alright. I hope the man gets the help he needs. Clearly he's not in a good place mentally.

Trey is spiralling into another "Florida Man" article at this stage. Mental Health issues, drugs, bonkers politics, gun nut and a weeb.