Watched Alita: Battle Angel last nigjt. It was alright, effects ranged from fantastic to SyFy movie levels. Some good ideas.and concepts but not a lot new to offer. Chewing gum for the eyes, Ted.

Had a double bill of In Fabric followed by Apollo 11 last week in Cork.

In Fabric is the most demented thing I think I have ever seen, loved it though. Strickland can do no wrong and Adonis is a hero. Apollo 11 is incredible. Made enitrely from audio and film from the time, it still manages to inject incredible tension into a story we all know the outcome of. Amazing piece of work.

Just to be clear, this is not the kind of thing I'd have any interest in anyways as I absolutely fucking despise musicals whether on stage or in film. This has to be THE most visually abhorrent thing I have witnessed in a long time. Even worse than that horrific cgi Sonic the Hedgehog clip posted recently...

I saw all the big noise about it this morning, and once I figured out that the major complaint wasn't the correct one (i.e. the major complaint wasn't simply a reiteration of the need to put James Corden out of our misery), I had to conclude that the people making the most noise had never seen the stage show... because that's basically exactly how they look on stage. I guess it all translates very differently to the screen, but then the complaint since the beginning should have just been, why bother? And indeed, why fucking bother?

Oh look, I get that alright. I haven't seen the stage show nor do I ever intend to, but I'm familiar enough with it to know that this is pretty much a mega-budget, cgi-enhanced version of the anthropomorphised look of the original. I suppose the difference here is the presence of some fairly well-known actors and the sheer horror of witnessing their stupid fucking faces in feline form. And of course, the mere presence of James Corden, not to mention that other similarly fat, unfunny cunt Rebel Wilson.

I was brought to see it when it came to the Point Depot in 1990. If only it had been Iron Maiden instead, same venue a little later the same year :(

Watched John Wick 3. While 1 stood on its own merits "storyline" wise, 2 really introduced the OTT stuff almost abandoning a plot entirely. 3 has no plot to speak of. i.e. It's brilliant! Absolutely mindless fun and it's set up nicely for no. 4 too.

My missus is mad into modern action movies whereas I'd avoid them like the plague. Have to say I really enjoyed all 3 John Wicks..the last just had some great scenes in it, and funnily enough the actual storyline is pretty cool

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on July 19, 2019, 12:31:45 PM
I was brought to see it when it came to the Point Depot in 1990. If only it had been Iron Maiden instead, same venue a little later the same year :(
If it's any consolation, I was at that Maiden show and have never seen Cats.

No, no that probably doesn't help.

Just back from the dead don't die... fucking terrible. Some amusing bits and a lot of nods to this and that and a fair few names in it... but nope.

It came across like it was trying too hard to be weird

Not surprised at all by that report. The nods to this and that are what took Only Lovers Left Alive from terrible to cringe-worthy.

Saw Almodóvar's new one Pain & Glory last night. Wow. Exceptional acting and film-making, something deeply cathartic achieved in it. I think you need to have a feel for his work already to fully appreciate it, since it's slightly autobiographical, but if you enjoy his style, Volver, etc., don't miss it. Guess it'll be in English speaking world cinemas soon.

watched the omen again last night.
still so good.
that scene where the nanny hangs herself terrified me as a kid.

Watched The Handmaiden last night. Wow! Easily one of the best Korean movies I've ever seen, and that's really saying something.

Quote from: Papa Het on July 19, 2019, 09:38:16 AM
Had a double bill of In Fabric followed by Apollo 11 last week in Cork.

In Fabric is the most demented thing I think I have ever seen, loved it though. Strickland can do no wrong and Adonis is a hero. .

Fucking hell yes..Adonis  :laugh: :laugh: That restaurant scene is something else.

#194 July 22, 2019, 11:01:43 AM Last Edit: July 22, 2019, 12:07:58 PM by Papa Het
I watched the first three Toy Story movies over the weekend ahead of seeing the new one. I had never seen them before. Pretty good. Will try to get to Midsommar at some point before it disappears too.