I hear Al Jourgensen is saying Ministry are doing the soundtrack to it

No spoilers please but who's seen Longlegs?I'm going to presume, as is often the case, it's not remotely frightening and the press is massively hyperbolic. I've seen a few people online whose opinions I'd respect trash it*

(*at least one of these also said All You Need is Death was really good though  and it's not, so I'm not sure..)

Quote from: Pentagrimes on July 15, 2024, 05:38:52 PMNo spoilers please but who's seen Longlegs?I'm going to presume, as is often the case, it's not remotely frightening and the press is massively hyperbolic. I've seen a few people online whose opinions I'd respect trash it*

(*at least one of these also said All You Need is Death was really good though  and it's not, so I'm not sure..)

A friend went to see it at the weekend, he was saying it's definitely overhyped, but it's shot really well and does have a pretty creepy vibe.

Hoping to go see it this week.

Anyone seen Maxxine yet? Raging as the local cinema's not getting it for another 2 weeks.

#4443 July 15, 2024, 07:57:34 PM Last Edit: July 15, 2024, 08:06:12 PM by Pentagrimes
I'll get to Maxxine shortly I'd say. Didn't like X, thought Pearl was good, and the DePalma nods I've seen referenced in relation to this one have it on my radar.

Quote from: Pentagrimes on July 15, 2024, 05:38:52 PMNo spoilers please but who's seen Longlegs?I'm going to presume, as is often the case, it's not remotely frightening and the press is massively hyperbolic. I've seen a few people online whose opinions I'd respect trash it*

(*at least one of these also said All You Need is Death was really good though  and it's not, so I'm not sure..)

It's labelled as a kind of serial killer mixed with supernatural thing, and doesn't really do enough of either. Has a cool creepy vibe alright but feels like a missed opportunity.

Quote from: Pentagrimes on July 15, 2024, 07:57:34 PMI'll get to Maxxine shortly I'd say. Didn't like X, thought Pearl was good, and the DePalma nods I've seen referenced in relation to this one have it on my radar.

Yeah the DePalma/Argento nods in the trailer had me sold on it.

Pearl is a much better watch than X for sure. I saw Maxxxine rated as the worst of the 3.

Saw a few recently:

Dune 2 - Seen as the director intended: on a tiny screen on the back of an airplane seat. Thoroughly enjoyed it though and it passed a nice chunk of the 8hr flight. Liked it better than the first one. Not a fan of this new kind of glowering, brooding acting style that's becoming popular now. Austin Butler in this, and Bill Skarsgard in most things he does. I know they're both well-regarded, but I'm not a fan of either so far. Scenery-chewing and not the good kind.

More from the plane:

Ghostbusters Frozen Empire - Lighthearted enough watch. Enjoyed it enough throughout despite it not being a particularly good film. Just the right level of fan service, and the young actress playing Egon's granddaughter is very good. Had very low expectations and it managed to clear them.

The Omen prequel - Utter shit. Doing that modern horror thing where it's just a ripoff of much better horror films, in this case Rosemary's Baby, Possession, and the original Omen, among others. Several gnarly demon birthing type scenes (at least 3 separate ones!) which was a delight to sit through surrounded by strangers on a plane.

Godzilla/Kong New Empire: Probably even worse than The Omen. Just utter, utter bollocks. Especially embarrassing given it came out around the same time as the vastly superior Godzilla Minus One. I know these things are meant to be brainless and bad, but this was another level. I knew from the poster where they're both running towards the camera like power rangers that it was gonna be bad, but holy shit. Would find it hard at this point to check out another one. Even this was only because I was stuck on a plane.

Pearl - Going to see Maxxxine tomorrow so needed to get caught up. Loved X, and this was possibly even better. Acting tour de force from Mia Goth. I've heard Maxxxine doesn't stand up compared to those two, but I'm still looking forward to seeing how they do the 80s aesthetic, and also tying together the Maxxxine character with the story of Richard Ramirez. The setting sounds unbeatable, so hopefully the film is enjoyable!

Still haven't seen Dune 2 despite being a fan of the books. Must rectify that but your description doesn't exactly have me frothing from the ears.

I must be the only one who thought that Godzilla Minus One was actually fair shit but upon reflection I can't think of anything that was good about it.

Well don't feel too bad because the last film I watched was The Ruins on Netflix and I dunno where to start about giving out about it. I suppose the Legs Chap getting done was a bit of fun at least. Very crap film overall

#4449 July 18, 2024, 11:29:21 AM Last Edit: July 18, 2024, 11:33:35 AM by StoutAndAle
"Born On The Fourth Of July" - First time watching this and it is excellent. 2.5 hours flew by.

Has to been in the Top 5 Tom Cruise performances and Oliver Stone directorial efforts.

Mad to think that Cruise has been denied an Oscar for roles at the top of his game because he was also leading blockbusters at the same time as taking on heavier parts. Seen as a glossy, pretty boy, box office fodder - much like Paul Newman.

Robbed of a nomination for "Rain Man" and again for "A Few Good Men", was never going to beat Daniel Day Lewis ("My Left Foot" was the same year as "Born On The Fourth Of July"), robbed outright of the win in 1996 when Geoffrey Rush won for "Shine" and again in 2000 when Michael Caine won instead of Cruise ("Magnolia").

He'll end up with a old man, better give it to him before he drops, Oscar - much like Paul Newman (who eventually got his at 60-odd after 6 nominations) starring in a film with.... Tom Cruise.

With herself we were actually just discussing his acting talent a couple weeks ago after watching Interview With The Vampire, a film his performance impressively steals imo, and Eyes Wide Shut not too long before that. Haven't seen Born On The Fourth of July since I was a teenager, must dig it out for a rewatch with these now middle-aged eyes  :laugh:

Magnolia was the one where he really shone for me, to be fair that film is laden with awardworthy performances.

Cruise is literally the last of a dying breed. It's definitely a shame he hasn't done more stuff like Magnolia though.

One of my fave movies ever, Magnolia. What a cast too. Must dust it down again.
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

I've never seen Magnolia at all but I don't mind Cruise in general. Last one I watched with him in it was Collateral and I thought he was decent in it. Actually I might have rewatched Edge Of Tomorrow more recently again and that's a pretty decent watch although it's more the premise than the performances there.

Haven't seen Born On The Fourth Of July in so long that I can't remember what happens in that either. Love this thread even though I never watch half the films on it but at least I wouldn't be stuck if I was looking for something.