Having another watch of some of ny favourite horrors recently

Event Horizon
Dusk till Dawn
Tokyo Gore Police
The Thing
Halloween 1-3

Last year's Hellraiser - was actually decent, had enough throw backs to the original movies some decent gore, would have been disappointed if it didn't have hooks through flesh.

Devils doorway - found footage film where two priests go into a Magdalene laundry after reports of a miracle that the statue of Mary is weeping, spooks ensue. - plot twist the catholic church are always the real horror. Decent watch tho

Quote from: Mithrandir on October 21, 2023, 11:09:59 AMI went to see a special showing of The Blob (1988) without not know much about it - one of the most fun cinema experiences I've ever had, incredible movie. Insane practical effects, and some of the best kills ever.

This might be the best movie recommendation I've gotten off this thread. Fucking quality, would absolutely watch again, nice one. Chuffed  :laugh:  :abbath:

It's just so good, I was pumped after seeing it, I was like a big kid. I can't believe it's not talked about more, or if it is I've never paid attention. Definitely a favourite now. I've been told there's a good redlettermedia episode about it on YouTube I must watch.

#3754 October 22, 2023, 10:59:25 PM Last Edit: October 22, 2023, 11:21:20 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Same man, pumped is the word. I've been telling everyone today to add it to their Halloween film lists. A couple remember seeing it as kids, but most don't know it at all. Could be that the title turned into a bit of a curse since the original is so famous, dunno.

Humming and hawing over what to watch tonight. Had planned on a second viewing of Oppenheimer, but only seeing cams for dl so fuck that.

Edit: Fuck it, going to watch Nightmare On Elm Street 3. Never seen it, and same director as The Blob.

Yeah! I remember seeing it back in the day and loving it.
It's perfect fodder for streaming sites but I've never seen it pop up on any of them.

Re-watched "The Third Man" before my upcoming trip to Vienna. Absolutely visual poetry.

Watched Bill Burr's diretorial debut "Old Dads" - as much as I love Burr's stand-up and I think he's a very good actor - this was fairy poor overall. It's basically his stand-up in narrative film form. There are a few chuckles but they are criminally few and far between.

The whole thing falls apart in the third act and starts grasping at every comedy trope straw.

The Third Man is glorious, the shots in the sewers for example are so beautifully lit. That musical cue drills its way into your brain too.

80s horror is my absolute favourite genre, so I'm happy to see The Blob getting some love!

Think my favourite overall is Fright Night. Class vampire flick with crazy good effects. Was the same FX team as Ghostbusters (Fright Night was their next film right after).

If you haven't seen Society then you absolutely have to check it out. It's where Get Out cribbed its story from except instead of black and white, it's rich v poor. Insane special effects, lots of hilarious cheesy 80s goodness, and 'The Shunting' scene at the end is the scene that will stay with you more than any other scene in this entire thread. For both the right and wrong reasons! Seriously, get on it.

Night of the Creeps is a fun send up of 50s sci-fi plus Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Also incredibly 80s, and takes on about 5 different genres at once. "Thrill me!"

I could go on about these films all day, but I'll finish with a double bill: Re-Animator and From Beyond. Made by the same director and most of the same cast, both are Lovecraft stories but updated for all the cheesy, tongue-in-cheek 80s goodness that you love. Both gorefests too, with the effects in From Beyond being particularly great, and so individual and creative. Kind of a mix of The Blob and The Thing, with some of the nightmarish stuff from the Elm Street series thrown in, but still its own thing. Well worth a go (and not to be confused with The Beyond: Italian horror dream hazy nightmare fuel. Also really good). A quick word for Re-Animator, which is one of the most beloved cult films of the entire genre. Just a hilarious, fun romp from start to finish. Enjoy!

I saw the 1950s version of the blob as a kid so always have a soft spot for it (and also hilarious Steve McQueen pretending to be a teenager, chap is like 28 in it) Must revisit the 80s one.

Same goes for the 1953 War Of The Worlds - but still think that is the best one despite the religious undertones and 50s cheese - Spielberg one is woeful. Excellent practical and sound effects for the era (pretty sure it won awards on that front).

Reanimator and the from beyond are two of the best if youre looking that type of 80s prop heavy horror.

I'd add return of the living dead to that list too for straight up good time gloopy schticky horror.

Titane - french horror, over the top surprisingly easy watch for the type of movie it is. Couldn't help but laugh at parts, would be great drinking movie with mates. Also car baby

Titane is fucking mental. A real wtf did I just watch movie  :laugh: Found it a little bit slow at times too though. Made the mistake of bringing the missus to the cinema to see that one and she's never watched a horror movie with me again!

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on October 22, 2023, 12:22:29 AM
Quote from: Mithrandir on October 21, 2023, 11:09:59 AMI went to see a special showing of The Blob (1988) without not know much about it - one of the most fun cinema experiences I've ever had, incredible movie. Insane practical effects, and some of the best kills ever.

This might be the best movie recommendation I've gotten off this thread. Fucking quality, would absolutely watch again, nice one. Chuffed  :laugh:  :abbath:

Had forgotten about the '88 version 'the Blob', great movie must give it a rewatch. There was a cultural obsession with the 50s in the 80s. 'Invaders from Mars' is one example, directed by Tobe Hooper.

Quote from: Massey Ferguson on October 24, 2023, 10:26:09 AMGood article here for anyone looking for some bonkers 80's horror: http://bleedingskull.com/bleeding-skull-50-the-best-trash-horror-films-of-the-1980s/

Great article, thanks! I thought I'd seen a lot of 80s horror, but I haven't seen half of those!