Need to finish it tonight. Yeah, hard to know what to make of it all. The whole 'let's be evil' thing kinda doesn't marry up with how much dedication they must have put into the music. The music really is an afterthought..hard to tell, because I know very little about the whole scene and those involved. Varg lashing all the fine women..never saw him as that kinda lad, always thought he was just a bit of a freak who was mad into Tolkien and speaking the language of the orcs..shows how much I know.

Watched it out of morbid curiosity. Wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Acting was fairly poor but the suicide and murder scenes were proper grim, so there was that. I'd love to know exactly what transpired in that scene back in the day but suppose that'll never happen.

I remember reading the book of the same name back after it all happened. I remember going into Easons back home and giving the title to the ould one behind the counter so she could order it for me..
Lady: ok love, can you give me the full name please
ME: Lord's of Chaos, the bloody rise of the satanic underground  8)
Lady:....  :-\  ok thank you 

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Watched this at the weekend.  Nowhere near as bad as I was expecting, a bit dodge on the acting and fairly hollywood but otherwise decent.  Even though I'm well familiar with the whole scene and story anyway, it plays more like it's for people who know nothing of it and does a good basic job of explaining what happened.

Finished it up last night. It's actually a decent watch. The American accents are a bit ridiculous, and it has an odd, but interesting, contrast between humour and really awful, grim, savage suicide and murders. In terms of accuracy, I have no bloody clue. Some nice tits and arses too, but again, kinda jarring.

I go back to some of my earlier points in relation to all this. How do young, well heeled lads go from playing in a band, dressing up like orcs, drinking and havjng the buzz to stabbing your mate god knows how many times, finishing up with one to the temple. Then yer man Faust too..horrendous acts of brutality. The only lad I really felt for in all of it was the singer Dod. Imagine being his parents having to live with that album cover? Fuck! A bunch of mad fuckers who took it all to strange extremes.

The musical side was sorely underplayed. It was as if it was an afterthought, all seen as a bit of a laugh, good ol heavy metal. I really doubt any of them were that blasé about their music..made no sense in that regard. Or maybe it captured it perfectly..i.e. it was all almost accidental...really though? All very mixed messaging.

#140 March 06, 2019, 08:46:48 AM Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 08:48:42 AM by Juggz
I managed to see it last night and, have to say, I quite enjoyed it. It has no real interest in the music at all. The music in incidental to what they're really focussing on. It's all about Euronymous and the ominous shadow of Varg and the changing dynamic between the two kids - a talisman within a growing scene and an upstart hellbent on, first, joining and, then, outdoing him. Despite knowing much of the story/legend, it did a good job keeping the tension growing and growing up to the gory end. I understand why it's so upsetting to many. It grabs the myths of the scene and takes a great, big shit on them. If you're precious about your Norwegian black metal, it's one to avoid  :laugh:

The acting is a little clunky at times, for sure, and the humour sometimes feels a little jarring in the context of the suicide, murders and overwhelming unpleasantness but I think I understand why they felt the need to shoehorn it in. Spending a couple of hours among such utter ballbags would be too much without some levity. The music isn't used to justify anything in their personalities, neither creative genius or any other artistic flaw. It really is down to the relationship between the main two. They do a good job at humanising Euronymous, too, exposing vulnerabilities every now and then. That you have sympathy towards his character towards the finale is no mean feat. Again, if you're precious about it all, it might not be the film for you, but I thought it was good entertainment for what it is, a drama about the relationship between two very different personalities, and not what it is not, the insightful documentary about the origins of Norwegian black metal it never set out nor ever claimed to be.

I'm not much of a movie watcher, and rarely stream anything but I've a couple hours babysitting to do tonight and might give this a go out of morbid curiosity. What website has this where I can just click on it and play? Or do I need to pay for it through some medium? I don't have Netflix or amazon or any of those things. Thanks

Quote from: Grim Reality on March 06, 2019, 01:49:53 PM
I'm not much of a movie watcher, and rarely stream anything but I've a couple hours babysitting to do tonight and might give this a go out of morbid curiosity. What website has this where I can just click on it and play? Or do I need to pay for it through some medium? I don't have Netflix or amazon or any of those things. Thanks

Quote from: Abandon All Hope on March 06, 2019, 05:43:19 PM
Quote from: Grim Reality on March 06, 2019, 01:49:53 PM
I'm not much of a movie watcher, and rarely stream anything but I've a couple hours babysitting to do tonight and might give this a go out of morbid curiosity. What website has this where I can just click on it and play? Or do I need to pay for it through some medium? I don't have Netflix or amazon or any of those things. Thanks



What a terrible film. Quite the feat to make such a fascinating and unbelievable story into so shallow and boring a movie.  I could write a lengthy piece excoriating this worthless fraud but I've wasted enough time on it already. If you like black metal and are familiar with the events and music of the early 90's, steer well clear. You will gain nothing from watching this.

Judging by some of the comments It appears to have some value for non metal heads and casual metal fans but I honestly don't know how anyone could enjoy it what with the directing, script, acting, vibe, atmosphere etc etc etc etc......

An atrocious waste of time.

You heard it here first lads, if you like this movie you're not a real metal fan.

Quote from: Grim Reality on March 06, 2019, 09:52:03 PM
Quote from: Abandon All Hope on March 06, 2019, 05:43:19 PM
Quote from: Grim Reality on March 06, 2019, 01:49:53 PM
I'm not much of a movie watcher, and rarely stream anything but I've a couple hours babysitting to do tonight and might give this a go out of morbid curiosity. What website has this where I can just click on it and play? Or do I need to pay for it through some medium? I don't have Netflix or amazon or any of those things. Thanks

If you like black metal and are familiar with the events and music of the early 90's, steer well clear.

What's the best source for this? The Lords of chaos book is accurate? Cheers

The documentary Until The Light Takes Us gives a decent overview of the events.

I watched Until The Light Takes us before watching the movie, just to brush up on the story and the personalities of the characters involved and, to me at least, I thought the movie covered the series of events quite well. Obviously, it's likely there is much exposition and story development in conversations which may or may not ever have happened but it did a fair job with the major events themselves.

Quote from: liamish on March 07, 2019, 02:11:05 PM
You heard it here first lads, if you like this movie you're not a real metal fan.

No, just means you got shit fucking taste in movies  :laugh:. It's awful. How anyone misses that is beyond me. And I don't really watch much film but this is damn obvious!

I don't know how to multiquote, but to the next lad implying that this turd might be as good a source as any for insight into what the scene was like at the time.....

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

There's any amount of stuff out there for you to look at/read and build up your own picture of those events. Interviews (print and verbal), documentaries, zines, etc etc.. You don't end up thinking "necro American Pie".

Jesus, it's a fucking joke of a flick altogether.

I'd like to see it done with a proper dark atmosphere and mood explored. The story is already written. The events are incredible. It just needs an understanding direction. Not a half a teen flick with crowbarred in love story and jock style house parties and "MY NAME IS VARG!"  dialogue. Sheesh  :laugh: