Meteor shower peaking tonight and looks like there will be fuck all cloud cover. Somewhere remote, flask of hot whiskey, a fire and a shit ton of clothes. Did it last year and it was excellent. Never seen so many shooting stars in my life. It's cold out but so worth it if you have the time/place for it.

I saw a couple of them back when I wasliving in Ireland. Just stood out in the garden for an hour and I'd count up to ten in a sitting. So cool.

Fog and -2 here, or I'd have been tempted.

Bollocks, I should have looked at this last night. Anyone have any joy I wonder as it was cloudy here

Saw an article that said it'd be tonight and tomorrow.

Yep it's peaking last night and tonight. Saw fucking loads of them!!!

Oh FFS the first time in I dunno how long I don't take a look at the board for 2 days. Fuck.

Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes