Quotesounds like a few lads were let out for their first post covid gig!.A trip down memory lane pushed these lads over the top into knuckle dragging territory!

I think there's the pandemic aspect and maybe the age profile too. Also you might be giving these individuals too much credit, most of them looked like extras from The Hills Have Eyes

It was a similar kind of crowd at Godflesh in November lads over 40 taking video of the performance non stop blocking other people's views.

Wasn't bothered with the support so coming into a sold out village and trying to get a good spot for the headline band is always enjoyable. The band were great surprised Matt didn't say much about his Death inspired band Gruesome. I doubt many last night would even be aware of them but most would like it.

I see the Death to All band is back touring again are currently playing shows in North America. It would be great to see them back here again at some stage.

The live clips do look savage.
Was it a mosh thing or "don't push me cos I'll bate the head off you"situation?

There was a fair amount of moshing up front but it's just... there's something really unsettling about seeing grown men the same age as you, and older, going to great efforts with their backs to the stage trying to take pictures of themselves showing how Metal they are... to themselves.

Ah jaysus fair enough, sounds like I was lucky missing the ne'er do wells then.

Sounds like your classic case of having all day Sunday to drink more than you can handle.

That sounds terribly embarrassing.
Still the DME clips look great. I've never listened to Gruesome as I thought it a rip off thing.
It seems more like a passion project from what I gather now.

Great night last night, Left to Die were spot on. Great to see a sell out death metal gig and loads of people enjoying themselves

Hey! Less of the abuse of us 40 year olds!! ;D

I get really irritated when people around me are holding their phones up during gigs, thankfully I didn't see many at it last night.
Nothing wrong with the layout, unless you're standing around the corner at the bar. As somebody already mentioned it's piss easy to get about.

Didn't see any dickhead activity either, apart from that muscle head getting booed when he was standing on stage like a mong. The stage dive didn't go to well for him, you'd have to be fairly off your head to think that diving into a crowd of people booing you is a good idea.

My first time seeing Zealot Cult, thought they were great. I think the vocalist's guitar could have been a bit louder. Left to Die were unreal, class night!

Incredible gig. My two favourite Death albums along with Human so this was a perfect opportunity to hear all the classics in a live setting as if it was 1988 all over again. Incredible decency from all band members to pose for photos and sign autographs as soon as it ended. Worth the admission price for Denial of Life, Open Casket and Evil Dead alone. Looking forward to Cancer paying due homage to their debut and somophore magna opera with as much panache we witnessed last night. Thanks to all concerned for an amazing night. One to savour for a long time to come.