Ah Jeasus, leave Lars and his snare alone, its all the poor bastard has.
He's a far better drummer than me in fairness to him, but that being said, I've never actually played the drums.

Joking aside though, the three songs above aren't the worst, nice tone and pacing to them, some comfortably familiar riffage going on, not offensive to the lugs at all. That being said, I wouldn't be motivated to buy the album off the back of them.

The videos are pointless shite.

There's a video for every song bar the last one on Youtube, and that's 'upcoming' as I type. I've only seen 3 and a bit (the headachey one I only lasted a few seconds) but they've all been shite - the videos I mean, the songs are what they are.

They probably had the studio rented and threw them out over a few days to save even bothering to promote it down the line. Generic, cookie cutter, conveyer belt, minimal effort content production. Seems to be their business plan.

Listened to it in parts yesterday. Still happy enough with my initial findings, it's decent. Drums are fucking terrible sounding and there are 3 very forgettable songs that if omitted would help.

Fair play to anybody that sits through this..what I've skipped through on the links posted here it sounds absolutely fkn appalling

I have a lad texting me on WhatsApp for the last week recommending I listen to this.

Haven't done so yet, I thought I would have by now but it just feels like it'll be pointless

I'm sure it's not St Anger levels of bad, I'd say it's no worse than Maiden's recent output who seem to get a much more forgiving reception, but with all the good stuff out there I don't see the point in sitting through an 80 minute for a slog just hoping to hear a glimpse of what they used to be.

If I want to listen to modern thrash I'd put on High Command instead.

It's not super thrashy though. Listen to the title track it's probably one of the better songs or don't!

I have it on here. On track 2 here and it feels like several weeks since I innocently started out back at track 1. It's not even especially awful or anything but sweet jesus does it go on. I wonder if they'd thrown this out instead of St. Anger would it have helped them more back then. Track 3 on there now and I don't know how old I am anymore what's time anyway other than a scale by which to measure entropy well I'm feeling positively entropic as it happens fuck these first 3 tracks could all have been cut in half because the repetition isn't exactly helping the cause. Maybe it's some sort of attempt to make them memorable but it's coming off like Fr Fitzgerald with the boring voice. haven't turned it off yet though maybe I can do this

#353 April 22, 2023, 04:09:28 PM Last Edit: April 22, 2023, 04:39:28 PM by Pagan Saviour
Anyone else think James looks physically wrecked? Watching an interview that came on my feed and he looks thin and weak, checked out his age to see he's only 59, couldn't finish the interview either he seemed to be in pain at the thought of drumming up enthusiasm for the record.

He looks like a 70 year old on the photo in the new album. 72 year old, maybe?

#355 April 22, 2023, 05:12:45 PM Last Edit: April 22, 2023, 06:15:21 PM by Carnage
Just on my first proper listen now.

First 2 tracks are all over the place, riff salad, multiple tempos.
3's a bit more consistent, still only OK.
On 4 now (are titles even remotely relevant as they're as throwaway as the music itself?), it's fairly generic but has its moments. I don't hate it.
5 is very Sad But True lite, again it's not bad.
6 the first single, it's growing on me, that chorus is an earworm.
7 is straight off Load/Reload, plodding but has a nice simple melody to it.
8 another Load-esque track, midpaced and filler.
9 was another single, another plodder but the vocals and lead/riff are enjoyable.
10 another filler track, even the solo sounds recycled.
11 more filler, another riff salad track.
12 is interesting. More of a hard rock track but there's a nice, quiet, bass-led section in the middle and some decent twin lead moments - some of which weirdly bring Crowbar to mind. Ends well, the best section of the album for me anyway.

Overall it's better than expected but how often will I listen to it? Not very in reality. I think the best that anyone can say of a new Metallica album these days is 'it could have been worse'.

Gave this a proper listen with an open mind yesterday. My takeaway was this:

3 good songs: Crown of Barbed Wire, Lux aeturna, Too far gone?

the rest: meh but not terrible.

They're trying, give them that at least.

Saw it for €50 in Golden Discs. Gas.

I watched the video for the last song, the really long one, thought it was decent. That sort of slow, hard rock thing really suits them. It felt shorter to listen to than some of the shorter, forced Metal stuff, if that makes sense. Shit video, though.

This is worth a spin, an edited down version of Hardwired. Some tracks edited slightly, some cut out altogether. It flows really well, it's a decent listen: