Finally bit the bullet and gave this a listen. Every bit as bland as I had feared. Perhaps 2 or 3 decent riffs but that's all there is. Absolutely has me put off buying it and I can't bring myself to revisit to see if it improves with more effort.

New video for 'Am I Too Far Gone':

The riff is a No Remorse rehash. The song is alright, nothing amazing.
If I walked into a random bar in a random town, and some unknown band was on stage playing this I'd be pleasantly surprised.
But given that this is the output from the biggest metal band on the planet, it's just a bit sub par.

The video however is fairly shit, but most of their videos are so nothing new there really.

This has to be the worst thing they've ever put out, in terms of a combination of meh song and utterly shite video

Jesus Christ!

Song is OK. As good as can be expected, like.
But that video is fucking embarrassing.

I kept waiting for yer man to crab walk across. Maybe his knees are shot.

That video is just embarrassing. As in, nothing but embarrassing.

Oddly though, think it's the best of the singles so far. It goes on for way too bloody long, but when it's good it's surprisingly good.

AA gave the album a fairly positive review on his podcast and I as expecting him to slate it.

Those 2 videos are shocking  :laugh:

They don't come close to these dancing shadow antics ->

Think you could cut the album down to 8 songs and have it under 40 minutes and it would be a decent attempt overall.

Keep some for besides and such instead of live versions the same old songs.

Video is shocking alright. Didn't they make a video for every track from the last record too? Can't remember a single one of them. I can imagine they get a load of top film graduates in for a bit of a brainstorm where every idea is a great idea and this is the end result.

Just that the crab walk was mentioned, who's worse Rob Trujillo or Janick Gers for ridiculous stage presence. ?

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on April 19, 2023, 10:57:57 PMOddly though, think it's the best of the singles so far. It goes on for way too bloody long, but when it's good it's surprisingly good.
Really? I couldn't get to the end of it. It's the worst of the bunch for me, though it could be fatigue on my part. A minute into that needlessly long intro I was thinking "Chasing shite... and they caught it, too".

What has really stood out for me is how little dynamics there are across the songs, they're full-on all the time, there's no real effort at a big chorus or building up to anything, no drama or suspense. It's all just fucking loud, loud, loud and it's not just the mastering. The song craft is gone, at the expense of trying to be Metal all the time. The last album had Now That We're Dead, which was ok, I thought, it as a reasonable effort a style which suits them better, these days. This new stuff, I resent it before Lars has finished tapping out the last of the accents on the loud, loud snare in every poxily long intro.

As I said, when it's good, it's surprisingly good. Only song so far where I've heard this "Hetfield is on form" in evidence in some places, plus an actual solo, mixing the Black album and RtL approaches. Still not tempted to listen to the whole thing though.

So... are they actually gonna make a video for every song on it?

This song is just boring.

Same fucken intro shite with the snare. He's been shite for years but this is the same fucking thing every fucking song.

Quite like that one, actually. Lyrics are cringey but Hetfield at least sounds good. Hammett's leads and solo are decent. Bass has some meat on it.

Lars is completely phoning it in on this album, though. He obviously just doesn't care anymore.