November 05, 2022, 06:00:53 AM Last Edit: November 05, 2022, 07:27:43 AM by Eoin McLove
I checked out this band's new album,  Hegemonikon, on the back of seeing a tshirt design that really caught my attention. Always judge a book by its cover, as a wise man once said. My word, it is exceptional stuff. Essentially modern aggressive black metal but given added depth and strength by the wonderful use of keyboards. It's a cliché these days to say that certain BM tropes have an air of the nostalgic, but in this case it's true. The effect of the trumpet sounds adds a soaring, epic and triumphant quality to all that. And most importantly, the song writing is powerful and catchy. Man, I feel a new obsession growing. He has a heap of releases out but I think I'll enjoy this one for a bit before jumping backwards because I'm always in danger of overloading my senses, doing the dog on it with bands I like and then getting fed up with them.

Oops. Link fixed.

Ya that's a great album. There's a ton of stuff going on underneath it all as well which I like.
It's a just a tad bit short.

Short is OK by me once the music has substance I'll have to grab the CD (and snazzy tshirt) and play it through good speakers.

Riffs are really cool on this.

Wasn't sure about the keys and brass at first, but it's growing on me. Good find.

The keys, and especially the brass, is what makes it I think. The vocals sound similar to Circle of Dawn as well.

I returned to this this evening and it's great stuff. Going to fire in an order tomorrow methinks  8)

10 minutes in and yes this is excellent, need to find some time to listen to the rest but it's right up my alley :abbath: