November 01, 2022, 01:12:13 PM Last Edit: November 01, 2022, 01:23:52 PM by Anton Arcane
Looking for a vocalist for a thrash metal studio project that I want to turn into a real band. I want someone that can sing aggressively but can also carry a melody.

Way too many influences to list but primarily along the along the lines of crunchy, riff driven stuff like Xentrix, Sacred Reich, Annihilator, all the good 80s bay area stuff etc. etc. I have some lyrics and melody ideas but I'd much prefer to work with someone that can contribute to that stuff.

Right now I have the guts of an album demoed with more songs on the way. I'm based in Carlow and hoping to find someone relatively close, so say Dublin, the east coast etc.

Dos: Have a strong voice. Have frontman skills and experience. Be able to throw in lyrics and strong hooks. Be OK with putting in the slog for gigs outside of Ireland.

Don'ts: One dimensional growling, squeeky pizza thrash vocals, drama, delusional fantasies about the music industry.

About me: Tons of experience in bands (Stereo Nasty etc.), I've been doing the one man studio project thing for the last few years (Necrokinesis, The Ancient Dark) but I've had my fill of it and want to get back to being in a real band now. I'm 42.

Any questions fire away.

Have a listen: