Ozzy has to be top of this list for me. Been piss-poor the last 3 times I've seen him. And yes, I know he's pushing on but if he isn't up to it, he shouldn't be selling it.

Tp my ears, Mustaine has always been a rubbish vocalist. Could never understand how most seem to like his voice.

Was watching some Rush videos the other day of their last tour and Geddy's voice didn't seem in the best shape. I know he's not going to be hitting those 1970s high notes but it sounded like it was cracking a lot

The recent Megadeth live vocal performances must surely be the worst. When you initially sound like a cat getting mangled in the fan belt of a car you think it wouldn't be possible to get any worse wouldn't you. His guitar playing is falling to shit too.

Also agree on Hetfield but he does seem a bit better lately. His fake Danzig impression around 1994 was possibly the worst though.

Surprised nobody has mentioned Nick Holmes yet.  Not so much that he's gotten worse as opposed to just not being arsed. I'm sure he could sing like the older albums if he tried but the enthusiasm doesn't seem to be there.

Ozzy was better than I expected both times I saw him, 'bout eleven years ago and then four years ago.  Maybe I was just lucky, but in either case, in terms of performance, he always seems to be giving it everything his profoundly abused and ageing organism can muster, even if his stage antics are the definition of hammy.

From the times I've seen them, going years back now though, I found Ian Gillan - of a very similar vintage - to be far more "unable" to reproduce his earlier glory. Part of the reason I couldn't believe how good Steven Tyler was when I finally saw Aerosmith. When it comes to the human voice, there are just so many variable factors that can and do come into play from individual to individual though, so I don't think there's necessarily a formula that'll work for everyone.

Always liked Alexi Laiho's vocals on the early Bodom stuff but they just got more annoying as they went on, much like their albums really

Many might not agree with this one, but Im not sure if Karl Willetts just changed his vocal style or cant sound like he used to.

His vocals in Bolt thrower are one of the powerful elements in the albums, but some songs on the Memoriam albums i cant listen to as his voice is so "thin" sounding,  i have seen both Bolt Thrower back in the day and he killed it, as for Memoriam live last time i saw them  there were times he sounded excellent but for the most part he doesnt sound like how i remember him as a vocalist, fair enough its a different band but wish he sounded more irate.   

I saw Memoriam a few years ago and they were pretty underwhelming,but his vocals seemed fine. Andy Whale's drumming was the weak point. He couldnt seem to keep time

QuoteOzzy was better than I expected both times I saw him

Ah come on, it's been long established he receives additional "help" from offstage.

Glen Benton's vocals were never good live, he doesn't even sound good on that live album from 1998. The music doesn't sound great either I think Deicide were always one those bands who could never pull it off live except maybe on the Self titled and legion tours.

Scary how far off the mark they are though. Give a pause for thought as to how savage the vocals were on the first record.

Also, that live record is about the time they stopped giving a shit.