Quote from: StoutAndAle on July 11, 2019, 02:55:17 PM

The Ken Burns/Lynn Novick series of documentaries on Netflix are very good (of those that I've watched so far anyway). The Vietnam war series is tremendous. It is also epic in length - clocking in at about 17 hours or something. It's worth every minute though. They also made a US Civil War series, a Prohibition series, an American West series and a WWII series. I am currently watching the latter and it's very enjoyable.

There's a website/app called Just Watch - https://www.justwatch.com/ie - where you can select the services that you have i.e. Sky, Netflix, Amazon, iTunes etc. and then input an actor's name, a genre or whatever and it'll tell you whether it's available. This service in location specific so if you're watching Netflix US using a VPN and you go looking on Just Watch's Irish site then you will run into errors

I also highly recommend downloading the All 4 app from Channel 4 - the amount of free (OK there's a few ads) high quality content available is astounding.

Thanks very much the Vietnam documentary sounds interesting will also check out the others. I am in Canada so using the Canadian netflix which also means I most likely won't be able to get the Channel 4 app but am home for 2 weeks next month so will try to see if I can get it sorted then.

Narcos is so good the acting, the way it's shot and even the use of the Spanish language which kind of annoyed me at the start but now that I have gotten use to it, it makes the show seem so much more authentic. One of the best shows I have seen a long time.

Was just thinking today I kinda miss Narcos now that I've finished it all. As you say, just overall excellent.

Quote from: John Kimble on July 10, 2019, 04:18:31 PM
I'm about halfway through Stranger Things Season 2, a bit behind. Having enjoyed the first series, I must say I'm finding the second series to be a bit of a slog. Just seems to be retreading the same old ground. At episode 6 now, hope it picks up.

Season 2 was dull as fuck and never got interesting.  I loved the first season so persevered with the second in the hope that it might recapture some of the magic but it was,  exactly as you said,  a slog.  Not even bothered with the new ones. They should have left it as a one off.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on July 11, 2019, 10:33:46 PM
Was just thinking today I kinda miss Narcos now that I've finished it all. As you say, just overall excellent.

I'm told El Chapo is a decent, similarly themed replacement for Narcos. I've watched neither so can't comment.

I've just seem five minutes of Storage Hunters.  I've seldom witnessed such a cast of cunts.  They are all "characters", acting tough and gang while bidding on fucking curtains or whatever shite.  Gimps.

 :laugh: :laugh: I used love them shows when I wanted to turn my brain off before I finally fucked my tv in the bin. Storage hunters, Pawn stars, all that tosh, absolutely addictive. But, yes, an unbelievable shower of mongs involved.

Finally got around to Chernobyl, fairly depressing stuff alright but an excellent show. Had a listen to the episodes podcast just after each one which was great for adding perspective to it all

#232 July 12, 2019, 01:13:48 PM Last Edit: July 12, 2019, 01:31:43 PM by StoutAndAle
Quote from: Eoin McLove on July 12, 2019, 09:41:42 AM
I've just seem five minutes of Storage Hunters.  I've seldom witnessed such a cast of cunts.  They are all "characters", acting tough and gang while bidding on fucking curtains or whatever shite.  Gimps.


"I gotta plan see? He's gonna bid on this pile of dog crap and I know it's dog crap so I'm-ah gonna bid too and force him to pay top dollar for all this stuff. Giterdone!"


Cut to Walking Dia-beet-uuuhs and his wife -"Twen-ah five - tewn-ah twen-ah fuffah-tennah...."

"I see a Warrant pinball machine. Some Chinese take-out menus, the arc of the covenant and what looks like Paul Dianno right at the back there. He ain't stealin' this away from me. Four thousand dollars gat-dammit!"

".......tweeeeen-ah huurg-ahhh hurrrrggggggah! Faw thousant! Sold!"

Cut to the baseball cap clown and his ugly/attractive in a she'd-make-shit-of-you-in-40-minutes-sort-of-way wife climbing over boxes of dirty vests and Big Mouth Billy Bass yokes.

Gat-dang Dalton-Roy, I told you this was a buncha' crap!

"Dang it, Lurlene - I will slap the taste outta your mouth. That, there Warrant "Cherry Pie" pinball machine is gonna be our ticket out of the trailer park and into our own double wide!"

Cut to fake drama involving your man hauling the pinball machine into an auctioneers.

How much is this here machine worth, Scooter?

"About 40 bucks"

Cut away to the smug looking wife.

But this here Paul Dianno, if it still works, is gonna be worth at least £180 a week"

Cue sound of cash register.


I've never seen it.


Bizarrely it seems less hick-ish and more gangsta. You'd swear these fucks were buying kilos of gear. Deluded twits.

Haha great stuff Stout,  that is exactly How I imagine that show to be (every time I flick past it)
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Yeah, storage wars is the lowest of the low when it comes to reality TV, and that's even considering the existence of Love Island etc. It's the most flimsy of premises to begin with, so the only possible route they can take are these manufactured rivalries which grow old very soon. I'd love to say I haven't watched it, but I have...many times. The same way I deliberately switch on Ray D'Arcy on my commute home from work, just to wind myself up.

#237 July 12, 2019, 07:33:25 PM Last Edit: July 12, 2019, 08:49:36 PM by Carnage
It's all fake, lads. I think the small print in the credits states what you've watched are 'reconstructions' of prior auctions and that creative editing has come into play. That and the fact that that bald prick auctioneer has admitted (after being caught out) that the storage units are salted beforehand, he knows exactly what's been put in them.

It's utter piss whatever the Hell outs going on. 

Just finished Stranger Things season 3 there. It was pretty good, no better than the second season overall. Great finale.

There was a mid-credits scene too, for those that missed it.