When I looked at the credits I thought it was just sort of a representation of the rings themselves. Your interpretation certainly makes it sound more interesting but I can't remember enough of the Silmarillion to get into the right or wrong of it.

Anyway watched episode 3 for the second time and thought it was very good kept me interested all the way through. Looking forward to the next one so they've done their job so far.

Yeah, I watched ep 3 again last night and maybe I was just in the wrong mood first time round as I enjoyed it a lot more. All my first watches are with the subtitles on in English (for herself to follow along easily), and that can sometimes detract a bit.

Don't really know what to make of the opening sequence, strangely abstract. The little grains are ore prior to being melted down, is that it? And the snake type thing would represent the ore that will make Sauron's ring then?

Re The Silmarillion, the role of music in the creation myths, etc., and also what Amazon have access to; we saw Galadriel's brother fighting in a battle, but nothing of his face to face with Sauron, only the aftermath (her brother lost and died). That face to face, I think, involved singing in some measure. Probably the kind of thing that's very difficult to represent on screen in a compelling way (remark again the absence of Tom Bombadil from The Hobbit). 

Good read that. I think you were both on to something. Lots of links there that hopefully I won't waste the afternoon on too

Excellent episode, I thought. The opening scene was class. Who knows when we'll see it in full.

It's appeared on my dodgy box, but annoyingly the audio is missing.

Ye are all watching it with an Amazon subscription yeah?

Quote from: Caomhaoin on September 17, 2022, 07:14:02 AMIt's appeared on my dodgy box, but annoyingly the audio is missing.

Ye are all watching it with an Amazon subscription yeah?

I'm watching it on vojvodinanet.com

Quote from: Caomhaoin on September 17, 2022, 07:14:02 AMIt's appeared on my dodgy box, but annoyingly the audio is missing.

Worked fine on mine.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on September 17, 2022, 07:14:02 AMIt's appeared on my dodgy box, but annoyingly the audio is missing.

Ye are all watching it with an Amazon subscription yeah?

I got the subscription just for this series. Just for the proper HD quality.

It looks great, and it's not too bad so far. The High Elves aren't very convincing though, you'd expect them to be a bit more aloof and ethereal or something, bar the black lad (he's a wood elf though?) who seems to get it.

DIVERSITY DIVERSITY DIVERSITY and some not-so-great dialogue aside, it's a reasonable start (I haven't seen the third one yet).

Also, and this isn't just a TROP issue, why do they make these CGI monsters with teeth or tusks at weird angles and places rendering them totally useless, apart from 'ooooh so scary'? Just make the troll, don't over egg the pudding ye gimps.

Have you not seen ep3+4 yet? 4 is excellent. I'm almost in full agreement about the elves. Arondir is really the only one to nail the vibe right from the start. Elrond and Celebrimbor really just don't come across with that aloofness and grandeur that you'd expect, although I'm warming to Elrond a bit.

I'll watch 3 and 4 tonight.

The elves in the films were considerably better looking than the series too. Too many short haired wimps this time round :)

Maybe there is an ugly liberation movement I'm unaware of because the King and Elrond wouldn't get to  drop the paw as handily as you or I, know what I mean :)

It's definitely the short hair. Was only chatting to a lad about that last night. I've gotten over it though