Not your typical retirement. He was speaking in recent years about his mental health and going off his meds. He seems to have been unable to resolve his issues and now he's binned the music career.

I hope his family is getting out of there - doesn't sound this will end well tbh. 

Yeah shitty news. Always sucks whenever a musician you like turns out to be scum.

Scott Kelly retires...but Vim Fuego returns! Swings and roundabouts innit.

Jaysus that really is a shit buzz. I did read a while back of his mental health just not expecting it to be to this extent. Truly awful. A band I've grown up with and still in my top ten live bands.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 28, 2022, 11:22:46 AMScott Kelly retires...but Vim Fuego returns! Swings and roundabouts innit.

I was surprised to not see a post about it so I broke my lurking habits.

Obviously feel sorry for his wife and kids and all they've had to suffer through. Kelly is clearly profoundly disturbed, mentally ill, I'll just say it's refreshing (even if it is coming too late) to read a full on confession of this kind. If ever there is to be recovery for him, this is the infamous first step so many others fail to make.

I don't know any more about it that anyone else but does the mental illness angle not kind of cancel out the apology. I'm mentally ill, I went off my meds and then treated my family like shite... for seven years! I don't know. Maybe he's just a cunt, you know? Sure I'm only speculating, of course, but he gets his piece of the victim pie in his apology which seems a bit besides the point to me.

I read through it pretty fast to be fair. If he played the victim, I missed it. Simply stating you have mental health issues and that your lies fell to pieces in front of healthcare professionals isn't by itself playing the victim card, but yeah, maybe I missed something. Either way, hope his family recover.

Well I'm just speculating a bit as I said. I agree with you, I hope his family get whatever help they might need, and him too if necessary.

Coming out and saying "I've been an utter cunt" is rare, even in the age of fashionably overcoming mental health issues. Hopefully, he can follow it up and make it up to his family.

Strong statement from the rest of the band today about him today, and a not so subtle address to some of the public responses. Tangible anger.

Fuck Scott Kelly.

The statement in full:

QuoteWe cannot overstate the level of disgust and disappointment we feel for a man who we once called Brother.

As a band, we parted ways with Scott Kelly at the end of 2019 after learning about severe acts of abuse he committed towards his family over the previous years. In the past, Scott had disclosed his marital difficulties and acts of verbal abuse, as well as his intention to get help and change his behaviors. The information we learned in 2019 made it clear Scott had crossed a line and there was no way back. We did not share this information out of respect for his wife's direct request for privacy, and to honor the family's wish not to let their experience become gossip in a music magazine. With Scott's Facebook post of August 27, 2022 disclosing much of this information publicly, we can finally say what we believe needs to be said.

For the last twenty years we have lived far apart from one another and only saw Scott when meeting up to work on music or play shows. We had no idea what the reality was for his family when we were not around. By Scott's own admission, his abuse was intentional, targeted, and a closely guarded secret - even from those of us closest to him.

Once we learned of his abuse it was difficult to reconcile the horrible information with the person we thought we knew. It's not surprising he hid the abuse for so long because it is a betrayal of our ethics as bandmates, partners, parents, and human beings.

Since 2019, we have made numerous attempts to contact Scott. We wanted to have an honest talk about the status of the band and find out how he and his family were doing, but he has refused to speak with us for three years. And, in what we now see clearly to be a pattern, Scott refused to take responsibility for his actions. Having been through so much with someone for more than 35 years, one would expect some amount of closure, or at the very least a response.

Now, without returning any of the calls, texts, or e-mails of his bandmates and friends, Scott has made a public post about the situation. To us, this decision seems like another attempt at manipulation, another opportunity for his narcissism to control the narrative. Don't allow Scott to make this about himself, it's about the abuse his family has suffered.

Usually, we would view public openness and honesty about mental illness as brave and even productive. We just don't believe that is the case here.

There is nothing brave about systematically abusing your wife and children.

There is nothing brave about confessing wrongdoing when you have not done the work to change your behavior.

There is nothing brave about refusing to speak honestly, or speak at all, with one's closest friends and bandmates, people who have supported you and stuck by you for most of your life.

Compared to the impact of Scott's actions on his family, the impact on our band pales in significance. Nevertheless, with the heartbreak and horror we also grieve for the loss of our life's work and a legacy that was sacred to us.

Again, our primary concern is for the safety and well-being of Scott's wife and children, as well as anyone else in a similar situation. If someone you know is experiencing domestic violence or abuse, please reach out to one of the many local or national resources available. One national resource is:

National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233

If you or someone you know is suffering from mental health issues that could make you a danger to yourself or others, please get help before you hurt yourself or the people you love. One resource for that is:

This is the only statement we plan to make about this issue. In due course, when it's appropriate, we will provide more information about our future musical endeavors, but that time is not now.

I wonder what it is he has particularly with this time of year. A loved one who died in late summer? Or he feels good at the onset of summer so stops taking his meds as a result? Who knows, but here's an almost identical confession from 29th August 2017:

It's a damning indictment of modern medicine and healthcare that there is so little can be done to help individuals like him or, by extension and worse still, their ultimate victims.

Surely he'd have to be subject to a police investigation after admitting to all this?

Very interesting response from the band. It backs up to a tee my own idle speculation. I think the old "mental health" card is very conveniently flung about these days.