I was gonna type out a long winded thing but fuck it.
Burzum - THE BEST.
Led ZEPPLIN, I'd take Big Tom.
Gjendød are the best new black metal band going.

I go through phases of listening to newer or older stuff, be that BM or any other subgenre. Don't think I'm interested in concluding on one being better or worse. Certainly in terms of metal in general, there are albums from newer bands (roughly, any band formed post 2000) which I think definitely hold their own against the classic catalogue. Formulas of Death or Black Future can stand alongside classic output from Metallica or Slayer, just as Portrait's Crossroads can stand alongside classic output from Priest or Maiden, and the examples can be multiplied. Point is, imo, no definitive door has been closed that prevents serious newer bands attaining to classic heights. Thank the gods.

#992 June 26, 2023, 09:18:33 AM Last Edit: June 26, 2023, 09:23:18 AM by Mithrandir
I think the last time I felt truly up to date with new releases was probably 2014. I feel like from then onwards there was just too many bands to wade through and more shit I didn't care about versus stuff I found interesting. Maybe it was just where I was with my metal listening at the time but now I just stick to the classics and digging up old stuff I missed for the most part. Obviouy there's some bands on my radar and some new stuff I like but I don't really trawl through a sea of bands actively trying to find new stuff.

Also this is probably a controversial take, but the period of 2008-2010 was the last great period for metal in recent years I reckon (if we're considering 13 years ago recent, that is  :laugh: )

Big Tom, Led Zeppelin and Judas Priest are all cat .....

Why can't Varg release another decent album..... and why the fuck can't those muppets in Dark Throne get a band together and play live!!!

Tha fuck!

Zeppelin are class ye cretinous cunts.

They are class until yerman starts his screeching and wailing like a banshee.
While I'm at it give me Ringo Starr over John Bonham.

Quote from: Circlepit on June 27, 2023, 08:59:19 AMThey are class when yerman starts his screeching and wailing like a banshee.
While I'm at it let me open my Ring Star for John Bonham.

Fixed yer typo there  ;)

Ringo Starr over John Bonham


Wait maybe you have a point! if its Piano playing that is!

Quote from: Mithrandir on June 16, 2023, 09:06:55 AMHere's one - Into Infinite Obscurity is the best thing Dissection did, the albums sound tame compared to what they managed on this.

This one got kinda jumped over. For me, this is a perfect controversial metal opinion. I don't personally agree with it, but it's the kind of position I'm glad to know some people out there hold  :laugh:  :abbath:

Quote from: Circlepit on June 27, 2023, 08:59:19 AMWhile I'm at it give me Ringo Starr over John Bonham.

What the actual fuck is going on? There would want to be a gazillion parallel universes to find just one where Ringo is anywhere near Bonhams level.

Ringo is better at being alive. That's it. That's all.

Think Ringo and Lars have that "liberal time keeping" going on  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

Quote from: open face surgery on June 28, 2023, 12:26:35 PMRingo is better at being alive. That's it. That's all.

 I feel there is no comeback from that argument. Robert Plant is still a banshee.

The little lad is at a birthday party, so bit of a schmoke and an afternoon rumble in the jungle listening to this. As much as I genuinely love The Beatles, as a rocker ya really gotta have a screw loose to think they ever did anything to touch the bangers of every colour and flavour on Physical Graffiti.


St anger is an excellent album controversial I know but who gives a fluck.. Also slayers D.I.M and repentless are excellent. Megadeths the system has failed is the best thing mustaine has done since 91. Oh and Anthrax recent albums have been class. I'll get me coat.