Behemoth comment has some truth to it. I'm a fan of the band but they tread very close to being all style as you put it. I think on record generally they have the music to back it up. But the show last week irked me somewhat. It was a show rather than a gig and it was a fantastic experience, however there was too much pre-recorded material pumped through the PA and costume changes etc to warrant seeing them repeatedly.

Primordial are indeed insufferable these days. I'm a big fan of their earlier work and follwed them from early on. Seeing them in Slattery's etc back in the day was quite special. The drop off point for me was Gathering Wilderness, since then their material sounds like a concerted effort has been made to produce material that would be favorably received on the european festival circuit, fists in the air, crowd participation i.e. a load of bollocks. Obviously I'm delighted they stuck at it and have found huge success but it sounds like a different band to me these days.

Melechesh and Nile are both much better on paper than they are on record.

Edit: Though Melechesh are still far more interesting than Nile, whose popularity I don't really understand.

Ok, here's one, Bolt Thrower's entire discography is a total snoozefest. I've tried so many times at this stage and I just can't understand the seemingly universal praise they get. Totally middle of the road.

Jaysus, For Victory is one of my top metal albums no doubt, absolutely love it. One of my favourite vocal performances.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on February 22, 2019, 08:36:16 PM
Jaysus, For Victory is one of my top metal albums no doubt, absolutely love it. One of my favourite vocal performances.

Second this. Don't think they're a band that you need everything they did but For Victory is an essential death metal album for me.

Yeah agree with the don't need everything comment. I really rate For Victory and Ivth Crusade but the rest is pretty much the same thing over and over. Honor Valor Pride is a shocker for example.

For Victory I reckon is essential. The rest of their output is definitely on the higher end of quality but I don't think you'd miss it if you didn't hear it

Those Once Loyal is a decent release too.

In battle there is no law, Realm of Chaos and Warmaster are all essential Death Metal albums imo.

Agree with original poster about Anthrax, I like "Inside Out" and "Only". I think Testament wipe the floor with them.

Metallica have had some good songs since the black album, but  in general it's all been very middle of the road, that last album being considered in anyway a return to form......not having it.

Megadeth have gotten inconsistent since "countdown to extinction" but they still bring out lots of quality. Out of all the trash bands, what Testament are stll releasing is head and shoulders above the rest, they've still got "it"

I understand that this may cause offence to many, but "Angel of Retribution" is my favourite Judas Priest album    ???

It was my introduction to the band & let's face it, it's got some serious riffage and phenomenal lead guitar work. I'm not really familar with their other albums bar Painkiller, which is obviously amazing but I can only list about 5 songs from it off the top of my head.

There were 2 great threads on the old site about peoples favourite JP songs/albums. I need to sort my shit out.

Quote from: Crosdale on February 27, 2019, 07:13:59 PM
Out of all the trash bands, what Testament are stll releasing is head and shoulders above the rest, they've still got "it"

While I wouldn't disagree with what you're saying, I don't think that Testament are "head and shoulders" above what Exodus are still releasing.

I tried to listen to Awake the other day, but I just cannot hack La Brie at any point in his career, neither after nor before he supposedly "destroyed" his voice. He just sounds like a terrible, caterwauling actor. I don't think that's particularly controversial, but it does imply that I rate When Dream And Day Unite very highly but completely pan everything else they've ever done. Would I go so far as to say I even prefer the Majesty demoes? Ah, go on sure, I'm feeling saucy!

I'm beginning to think that 80's Rush was them at their best.