Soulside Journey is the best Darkthrone album.

That's more a statement of fact than a controversial opinion.

Darkthrone are one of the worst metal bands I can think of.

NSBM is about as dangerous as a rubber spork and about as politically relevant.

Quote from: Scáthach on February 06, 2019, 10:19:15 PM
NSBM is about as dangerous as a rubber spork and about as politically relevant.

Hugely controversial alright

Quote from: Mithrandir on February 05, 2019, 03:14:42 PM
Soulside Journey is the best Darkthrone album.

The Underground Resistance is actually the best Darkthrone album

Alice in chains are  so overrated!

The post reunion stuff is fairly naff. I don't understand the praise for the "Black Gives Way to Blue" album at all.

I really dislike a lot of the newer sludge bands here at the moment. It really boring and not angry or nihilistic enough. Just crap "southern"/grove/stoner metal with harsh vocals.
more  Black flag's My war,  less Down/ C.o.c please

Quote from: Makeshiftatomsmasher on February 15, 2019, 02:55:00 PM
I really dislike a lot of the newer sludge bands here at the moment. It really boring and not angry or nihilistic enough. Just crap "southern"/grove/stoner metal with harsh vocals.
more  Black flag's My war,  less Down/ C.o.c please
Where I do like a bit of the stoner sludge myself, and enjoy a fair few of the irish bands in the scene, the whole doom/sludge crossover genre internationally is absolutely flooded with fucking shit.  I'm in a group on facebook for people to post their bands and 90% of them are identikit garbage that has the image and fuck all else going for it.  Every now and again some great stuff gets through but it's hard to find.

There was a great article lately about how the stoner doom/stoner sludge scene is saturated because it's an easy genre for bar rock bands to latch on to and they almost get auto-accepted by most fans for having the image and a groove regardless of their quality.  I must try find it.

Agree with both of ye.  Do wonder, is it also because, there really hasen't been a scene for this style in Ireland for a long time, so when bands do start, it'll be the most obvious common denominator stuff that will be milked. Would the same people who like these stoner bands be arsed with say Noothgrush or Leech milk?

#59 February 15, 2019, 04:01:26 PM Last Edit: February 15, 2019, 04:19:24 PM by Pentagrimes
Ugh. Editing my initial post because really what it boils down to are the kind of sludge me and Steo are talking about came from the Black Flag influence in the hardcore/powerviolence thing in the late 80s early 90s anyway (Dystopia, Noothgrush, the Bovine bands, etc), the more Black Sabbath influenced Down/COC/Crowbar thing is from the metal scene, and really I don't see any cross over beyond Neurosis, Eyehategod and Sleep , maybe "Our Problem" era Iron Monkey (which, I'm sorry, absolutely sucks shit compared to the feral monstrosity of the s/t EP), which I guess are the  bands the metal people ran with as influences.

Parallel developments with very different results. And the former has never really been more than a handful of bands anyway at a time, particularly here. The "sludge" bands here are from the metal side of the fence for the most part and reflect those influences.  I don't know of any band here influenced by the more aggro/Black Flag/Melvins end of things.

There are some cool bands in what you'd loosely term sludge/doom here I think - Slomatics still rule all, Soothsayer, Nomadic Rituals and Owlcrusher all rule in my book. Onkalo were great, really bummed they aren't around anymore.