Quote from: Anton Arcane on July 18, 2020, 10:37:04 PM
Pity the Sadness and As I Die are the only two good songs on Shades Of God.

I remember as a young lad, being really into Gothic and Icon but when a friend gave me a lend of Shades Of God I just couldn't get into it at all. It had a kind of meandering, almost bluesy groove to it that just seemed to be at odds with the metallic goth of the other albums.

Last week, after watching an interview from that era on YouTube, I put it on with the hope of it finally clicking but no. A transitional album that would have been better off as an EP.

I love shades of god, well not love, but I haven't got rid of it yet. It's a cool fresh sounding album, much fresher than the stuff they release nowadays. I will agree that those 2 songs stand out as singles so they sort of underwhelm the rest of the album by contrast.

I could never warm to it, and couldn't name a track or recall a lyric, riff or melody from it apart from the singles. Terrible production too, so muddy and murky. The low point of their first 5 albums for me.

I think Shades of God is great and a bit better than Gothic and Icon. Well I haven't listened to Gothic in so long I can't remember most of it but when I did, I preferred Shades of God.

Pity the Sadness was my intro to PL, but Shades of God never hooked me. Bought Gothic after that and that blew my socks off (still does to this day, incredible record).

My initial thoughts were that apart from the 2 tracks mentioned above, there wasn't a whole lot more to the album. It was only revisiting it years later that I came to appreciate it more. Still not a fan of the production on it, I think it was only on Icon where they really kicked on in that regard.

Quote from: Emphyrio on July 19, 2020, 11:35:42 AM
My initial thoughts were that apart from the 2 tracks mentioned above, there wasn't a whole lot more to the album. It was only revisiting it years later that I came to appreciate it more. Still not a fan of the production on it, I think it was only on Icon where they really kicked on in that regard.

The remastered version somewhat addresses the production but I admit it is a bit murky. I used to think the drumming was laughable as well but I've grown to like it over the years for it's innocence. Icon has much better production but Shades of God has the better tunes. Apart from Widow.

Immolation on paper have it all: intricate riffing without wankery, unique sound based in dissonant tonality, which they developed way before "dissonance" became the hot shit within extreme metal, excellent drumming, well-structured guitar solos, innovative songwriting. They are the embodiment of perfection. Yet, it all adds up to incredible boredom. They peaked with the debut album. I just can't  detect any emotion in their music after that.

First 5 are of equal standing for me and all slightly different from each other albeit that the biggest jump was obviously between DOP and HIA. Have you seen em live? It's pure emotion. I know that can be said about most band but there's something different with Immo, I think.

Immolation are one of those bands for me that just add up perfectly. Could listen to most of their discography on repeat all day.

Inspired by what I've  seen in another thread, I really cannot stand listening to too much motorhead.  I haven't been able to make it through a whole MH album in years.

I've never even heard a Motorhead album.  Must pick up 'Ace of Spades' at some stage.

Go straight to Overkill instead.