Yeah.  There must be a half price deal on lobotomies.

Half price deal on crash courses in brain surgery anyway.

Slayer's finest album and moment is South of Heaven, and Ghost of War.

I think what you are saying there is Show No Mercy, and every second of Show No Mercy

I could be wrong but on the old forum I thought the general consensus was that Hell Awaits was slayers best album - might even have been on the slayer topic here that I saw that . Anyway it's a great album end of.

Is young Kurt Cocaine and the rest of ye expressing dismay at controversial metal opinions being expressed in the thread called "Controversial Metal Opinions"?

Someone call the gendarmes!

Altars of Madness was 31 years old the other day,while it is an absolute iconic album,its probably 3rd/4th in my favourite  MA albums.

Show No Mercy is unquestionably their best album for me followed by Hell Awaits and then I don't really think about the others anymore. Love/loved everything up to Divine Intervention, then Slayer split up.

MA. Covenant is king for me and maybe for death metal, then I would probably split the vote between Altars and Formulas, Blessed and Dommination. Got mad into Abominations in the last year or so but dunno where it goes. haha. Gateways does very little for me.

I got into Morbid Angel around Covenant and always struggled with subsequently getting into Altars of Madness. I can appreciate its importance and while it's not an album I'd complain about being put on, I'd never reach for it myself.

On the Slayer thing, South Of Heaven is the best of it for me but I was never mad into them. I still think the first 6 tracks or so from Diabolous In Musica are grand. Death's Head is a very good tune.

Regarding Morbid Angel, the first 6 albums are great-to-brilliant and that's it. Whatever it was that they had up to that is long gone.

Covenant the best MA for me,Blessed are the sick next.A toss up between Altars/Domination /Formulas for 3rd spot.

Gateways is a solid DM album,MA last decent effort.

Regarding Slayer (and I'm only talking about up to and including Divine Intervention), every release bar '83 - '85, contains filler.

Don't get me wrong, each other album has their absolute gems and classics but every time I listen to anything from RiB to DI makes want to skip certain tracks.

Reign in Blood is not the best Thrash album ever and Slayer were not the best band. That accolade possibly goes to Holy Terror.

Morbid Angel in order for me: Blessed, Altars/Covenant, Abominations, Domination, the 5 decent songs on Illud. Can't stand the Tucker albums, any of them.

Quote from: Carnage on May 14, 2020, 08:11:08 PM
Morbid Angel in order for me: Blessed, Altars/Covenant, Abominations, Domination, the 5 decent songs on Illud. Can't stand the Tucker albums, any of them.
Formulas even?,an absolute masterpiece.

Nope, I've never seen what the fuss was about when it came to Formulas.