I love Nothing, it's my favourite of theirs (the re-recorded/remastered/whatever version, I've only heard the original once). Obzen is a more mellow version of their sound IMO, my favourite of the subsequent releases, but yeah, it's generally been variations on a theme since.

I thought DEI being Meshuggah's best album was the general consensus? I know it's my fave by a longshot.

It's Catch 33 by an absolute mile.

I think Catch 33 is a better experience, but it's not as enjoyable musically.

Nope, all wrong. It's Chaosphere.

Ooooffff, I dislike Chaosphere to the point where I'd say I actually hate it. Bay far their worst album for me.

I'm in the Catch 33 camp as well. then Nothing, then I.

I bought the 8 string version of Nothing lately and I prefer the downtuned 7 string version. The difference isn't massive on the face of it, but there is an extra bit of filth from the downtuned 7 vs the 8 albeit with a small loss in clarity but I just prefer the extra dirt on the original.

I find Chaosphere is a very tough listen and I wouldn't really be bothered with it though I found it intriguing when it first came out

DEI has a certain charm as well and stands out as very different to a lot of the rest. I'm going to lash it on now altogether be grand for a bit of painting.

Quote from: Bogmetaller on April 30, 2020, 02:04:19 PM
Quote from: Giggles on April 29, 2020, 09:09:22 PM
Quote from: Ducky on April 29, 2020, 01:42:33 AM
Are they even together these days? I know Dexter Holland went back and finished his PhD in molecular biology a few years ago. For a lad that has enough money to last several lifetimes, fair dues to him going back, think he was working in research towards a cure for HIV.

They're working on a new album. Be hard to follow up on this absolute banger from the last release  :laugh:


That surely has to be a piss take?????

It surely is a piss take and it surely is an absolute banger   :laugh:

I don't think Meshuggah have a bad album. They're some craic to have on when one is doing a spot of housekeeping  :abbath:

I listened to Destroy Erase Improve and Catch 33 last night and they were both brilliant. I don't necessarily think any of their albums are bad but they got a bit samey for me as time went on. Still that takes nothing from the first few. I thought Koloss was great at first but it fell away pretty quickly for me and now I can't remember a note of it.

Is it controversial to say I love listening to metal but I can't stand looking at it for the most part? I got a copy of Meshuggah Nothing and it had a free DVD and I couldn't enjoy it looking at the head on yer man making the hard man faces. There is a lot of posturing involved with all types of metal, but I suppose as it is essentially role play that is inevitable as they have to get into character to give the performance. A lot of it reminds me of WWE though.

Chaosphere was my introduction and prob still my favourite but, on a whole, despite liking them, I couldn't care less about them at this point. I always thought he looked deadly live. Mad head on him.

Possibly the most uninteresting vocalist in metal all the same. Did they purposely decide to have the vocals be the one-dimensional anchor to tether the musical madness?

I think so, it's yet another rhythmic instrument in the mix.

I have no recollection of anything rhythmically interesting happening at the level of the vocals, but I'm not a good judge; I never got anything more than the novelty value of Meshuggah's wow factor, always got bored of them by day two or three of trying.

I saw them supporting Machine Head in 95 and thought they were really heavy and cool but even then, at 13, I found them sterile and boring on CD. I'm happy to watch a couple of songs live on YouTube from time to time,  and marvel at their playing but, man, they are a boring band.

Dool are just Him for people who like black metal