Quote from: Sworntothecans on June 04, 2024, 04:40:31 PMSanguisugabogg would be a great band if they didn't have that shit snare sound (and a better drummer overall).

Just listened to one of their songs as it popped up on my Youtube feed... don't think I could listen to too much more of that drum sound.  It is such a distraction.


I have nowt really but humble respect for this legendary True Norwegian Black Metal band. Their gig there here recently was fuckin deadly. For me; thee best black metal gig in a while. (Though Primordial's show was essential for me, I tend to see Primordial as Ireland's premier equally as Heavy or Celtic as Black metal band.)

But yeah I can't lie to meself; as much as this likely is a would be a "controversial metal opinion" among many heads here; especially among the trvest of vs- But for me man- Prometheus is their best work & their record I listen to & enjoy the most easily. Empty just draws me in every time. The guitar work between Ihsahn & Samoth is deadly- progressive bordering vaguely fretboard wankery but still very evil & engaging riffs. I've always loved the vid for Empty too; the shots of the forest have stuck with me considerably for over what; 2 fuckin decades now ffs.. Great production on the record I think too; the little electronic/synth bits like in the kinda breakdown part in Empty are actually tastefully executed & pretty cool.

But here- Don't get me wrong, In The Nightside Eclipse is a hell of a legendary record, let alone it's undeniably an impressive work especially considering the band were pretty fuckin young when recording & conceiving it. & it's iconic Artwork really drew you in to a weird dark medieval or Tolkien type worldscape; not to mention it being released in 94- it was an exciting time for metal in general (for those welcome of/open to groove/nu) but the scene in Norway with Black metal, Satanic shenanigans & Church burnings, a bloody Murder or 2 even; it was/is a fairly exciting scene to observe, even though for me I concede it is kinda hindsight; as it's more that I got into the whole TNBM scene a few years after it went down after learnin about it all. Likely; this as I was only 10 in 95 & still thought Michael Jackson's Thriller was the coolest thing I had ever heard or seen; despite getting into rock & metal music.

But yeah- My issue with In The Nightside is that the production is too flat or dull or something (& yes I've tried various remasters); & it all kinda blurs together too much not in an enjoyable way for me- & maybe moreso for me there is just too much 2nd hand casio soundin keyboard synth work going on & too high in the mix muddling up the whole sound. Saying that, one just cannot deny the brilliance of songs like "Cosmic Keys to me Creations & Coffee" & "I Am the Black Wizard from Limerick"- these songs both from Nightside & the EMPEROR s/t release from 93 are insanely good & easily among the blackest of black metal songs. Live they were pure fuckin evil soundin.

Lastly; I Will say. IHSAHN's fuckin solo shit can be pretty fuckin excellent for the most part so I seem to disagree with a fair few comments I've read round here. But for me I like it; I admit; as he has put pretty fuckin prolific with records; there's a couple I just wasn't that into or give enough time to or even the odd song here or there was I dunno just a bit borin I guess. But man the first 2 albums he did have some insanely dark EMPERORish & Luciferian songs on them I love. But for the most part since moving on from EMPEROR & the whole Satanic freaks from The Matrix look; & perhaps alienated some imbeciles with his fashion choices (honestly who gives a fuck what he wanna wears-grow up) I think what he's really done is deeply focused on his Work; his craft considerably & his guitar talent now rivals the wizardry like guitar virtuosity & dexterity of a master like Robert Fripp easily.  :-*

I have always understood people's aversion to The Matrix influence in black metal as a disappointment with more than just the shitty look (and it was shitty) but encompassing a move away from what is often referred to as the organic sound and style employed by the founders of Norwegian black metal. Much of the great early 90s stuff was a response to the polishing up of, over-technicality and move away from satanic or pagan or antiquated timelessness (paradoxes abound) esoteric themes to something modern and futuristic, stylistically a bit clinical and dull and, yes, dorky looking. BM didn't seem scary or mysterious and enticing to me in the late 90s when I would have been at an age to start really delving into underground stuff. It was all trench coats and new rocks which looked shite. It was only with the rebirth of the darker and obscure imagery in the 00s where my imagination was fully captured and I began to delve in to it properly. I think industrial and goth can be brought in to BM effectively, but in the late 90s it was either dance floor goth or knife wielding barbwire WW2 obsession and neither appealed to my imagination then. I'm more forgiving and at least open to that stuff, but often it still fails to move me.

What is going on here?
Nightside wouldn't be what it is without that production. It's perfect, almost bordering on too much at once. It's like everything is pushed to the limits and trying to overwhelm your senses.
The leather future warrior gear looked silly on the later promo pics . Samoth looked out of place in that style.
He looks a far more imposing figure nowadays. Ultra serious but understated.
Marduk can sing about WW2 all day long for me as it's always delivered with suck ferocity and belief.

If the last Gjendød album came out at the same time as the established classics of would knock a few of them off the pedestal.

On a different point Frank Bello hopping around on stage with. Satyricon looks wrong.
Satyr looks like a fatty from a shit biker movie as well.

'Frank Bello hopping around stage with Satyricon' really is a bile inducing sentence :laugh:
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Oh well, I might as well put it out there, since The Matrix influence has been mentioned. ,,Animatronics" by The Kovenant will be popping up in my drunken playlist until I die.

Don't judge me, I was young when it came out, I fell in love. There is couple goosebumps inducing moments there even for my present-self.

 :laugh:  :laugh: Please tell me you know it's fake.

Quote from: open face surgery on June 10, 2024, 12:20:23 PM:laugh:  :laugh: Please tell me you know it's fake.

Aw damn. Was hoping he would collab with CC on a death metal cover of Love Me Do.

Ah man that's hilarious you thought that was real, it's a very well done video in fairness. Love when the vocals come in and McCartney points to his ear as if to say "what's he saying".

Bradley Hall is a daft lad. He comes across like he can't stand metal, then does a video of himself playing the guitar parts to Rust in Peace in one take.

Quote from: Don Gately on June 13, 2024, 09:24:47 AMAh man that's hilarious you thought that was real, it's a very well done video in fairness. Love when the vocals come in and McCartney points to his ear as if to say "what's he saying".

Of course it was real whatareyeonabout. Juust ook at this REAL performance for the Nobel Peace Prize!!


Quote from: Ducky on June 13, 2024, 11:31:12 AMBradley Hall is a daft lad. He comes across like he can't stand metal, then does a video of himself playing the guitar parts to Rust in Peace in one take.

Yeah he's absurdly talented but tends to lean into the worst parts of annoying YouTuber for clicks.