I disappear is shite.
I'd love to hear the Presidio sessions from the St Anger days.
They were probably the same type stuff as Load.

Those Presidio demos are on Youtube.

King Nothing
Until it Sleeps
Hero of the Day
Bleeding Me
Outlaw Torn
Where the Wild Things Are
Unforgiven 2

Made this playlist for myself years ago and find I come back to it more than the classics these days, could also be because I've played that stuff so much I never get the urge to put it on

8 songs, around 50 minutes, all of a similar enough vibe that it's more coherent without shite like Ronnie or Prince Charming being thrown in between the better stuff

The Memory Remains
Hero Of The Day
Where The Wild Things Are
King Nothing
Carpe Diem Baby
Until It Sleeps
The Outlaw Torn

Most of the obvious ones are there, it flows nicely enough for me.

Oh good lord man, 2x4, Fuel fuck it I'm out

We'll one thing is for damn sure!

'tallica, Megadave and the rest of the Big Four and extended friends have certainly divided a multitude of opinions.

I can't believe I'm in a thread where The Thing That Should Not Be is bad and Fixxxer is good.

I find the Metallica conversations to be the most tedious thing that we all engage in semi-regular. There is no take we haven't heard before. But criticizing albums like MOP as having sterile production or whatever else has been said the last few pages - you've just started to overthink it all cause of overexposure and overfamiliarity and probably boredom with Metallica in general.

5mins into Fixxxer, still absolutely dogshit and boring, like 85% of the songs from this era people have tried to convince themselves are actually worthy of merit.

Quote from: Squigs on October 25, 2023, 09:23:42 AMBut criticizing albums like MOP as having sterile production or whatever else has been said the last few pages - you've just started to overthink it all cause of overexposure and overfamiliarity and probably boredom with Metallica in general.

No, I've always thought MOP had inadequate production, especially if you compare it to the production job on RTL which really completes the vibe of that record. It seems pretty obvious to me.

Here's one possibly: the Metallica version of "Helpless" is not only vastly superior to Diamond Heads original, but it also features Hammet's best solo.

Honestly,  the Black Album is a load of bollocks. AJFA is great, and is the end of that band for me.

I heard the Metallica version first so that's the definitive one for me, yep I prefer it. See also: Breadfan.

That EP is seriously up there. Small hours, helpless the Misfits fucking class.

Megadeth and Anthrax are shite.

#1228 October 26, 2023, 11:19:32 PM Last Edit: October 26, 2023, 11:21:34 PM by Danny
Anthrax are questionable, but Megadeth? seriously? This fuckin Thread man, certainly lives up to it's name. Controversial opinions to the point I can't believe bands or albums I consider not just classics but archetypes are completely lost on people. I guess it's healthy debate though at least!

The endless Big 4 THRASH debate though; while overdone to death, is a never-ending source of surprise & curiosity for me at least, someone mentioned there a few posts back doing a devoted Thrash thread, I think it's a good idea! Because honestly like, for me...Metallica, SLAYER & Megadeth are the 3 masters easily, but more in the way of being my favorite bands I listen to the most & because of the legend & archtype-ness? of them...but when it really comes down to it, if you are really into Thrash metal & technical guitar playing & quality songwriting, we all know or should know at least that bands like VOIVOD, KREATOR, Dark Angel, SADUS, CORONER, Heathen, Holy Terror, Exorder, Anacrusis etc were/are doing much more interesting things musically sometimes.

Not to mention, to this day, I am STILL finding obscure late 80's/early 90's 3rd rate Thrash albums that went under the radar, & they are fucking savagely good. I can't get enough of it, I try to have an old album I've never heard before to listen to every week.

#1229 October 27, 2023, 12:14:26 AM Last Edit: October 27, 2023, 12:16:34 AM by CorkonianHunger
Megadeth, good musicians and of course deserve the big 4 label. Just vocals and lyrics are too much, even at 13 I lost interest. I'd listen to the lesser Slayer albums before a good Megadeth one.

Anthrax just plain and simple shite though.

Edit: all those bands you mention at the end are totally above Megadeth artistically in my book.