Seeing as some of ye chaps are into old school run and gun, have ye ever played Nex Machina? It's the logical conclusion to twin stick shooters like Smash TV (and was co-developed by Eugene Jarvis).

Dreaming neon death.

I have the PS4 in the young lads room gathering dust there, anything to recommend to a jaded Halo fan Ducky?

For a shooter with a sci-fi bent, defo Titanfall 2. It's pretty creative and tight. The campaign is only about 6 hours long but it's all killer and it's the best online shooter I've ever played.

Doom 2016 is the dogs bits as well (not so much the recent Doom Eternal).

I wouldn't be mad into it (guess I never gave it a proper go), but the core version of Destiny 2 (from the same Bungie lads/lassies that made the classic Halo games) is free to download from the PlayStation Store. Even if you don't get into the endgame loot/grind, having a bop at the campaign is a no-brainer, especially as it's free.

Im the furthest thing from a gamer, but we got a Rift-s in the house the other week and holy shit its amazing....

I like the look of this the specifications are good.
Deep Down Six Feet, Is Where I Like To Eat

Fortnite vs Apple.
This will be fun.

As if this year wasn't Orwellian enough, now we've got 1980-Fortnite.

Risk Of Rain 2 is out of Early Access. Sorely tempted to get it - looks like a great 3rd-person shooter/roguelite combo, much like its 2D predecessor.

Google got in on the fun too. Now Epic are suing both of them. Gotta admit that Fortnite is the first videogame that ever made me feel so genuinely old.

It's still 3 massively lucrative companies getting into it over yet more money though. Epic have made shedloads off the back of Fortnite - and apparently had their ad campaign for #FreeFortnite ready to go well before the spat between Apple and Google went ahead. All very cynical, if you ask me.

Just played though Carrion, which is currently free on the Xbox Game pass.

Really enjoyed it. Amorphous tentacle monster à la John Carpenters The Thing trying to escape a military facility.

Picked up The Messenger today on PSN - it's an 8/16-bit style (I'm aware those are two very different things, but I won't say any more) Ninja Gaiden game. Controls are tight as fuck, it's really fun and (surprisingly) really funny too.

Really enjoying it so far.

I have been playing Pro Evolution 2006 on the 360 for the last 2 weeks. Those old Pro Evos are still the best of the soccer games. Died a death after 11 or 12 though. The Become A Legend mode stole many hours from my life back in the day.

Any news on Ps5 pre orders? Will be my first playstation since the original square Ps1

Quote from: Blackout on August 28, 2020, 12:34:48 PM
Any news on Ps5 pre orders? Will be my first playstation since the original square Ps1

I just pre-ordered it in GameStop (the one with a disc drive). 50 quid minimum.

I may not pick it up at launch (sure we don't even know the price yet and there's a Smyth's closer to the gaff, plus I don't see GameStop lasting too much longer), but may as well stick the few bob on it to have the option.