I'm not entirely upset about the whole social distancing thing, gonna be glued to the new Doom this weekend.

Still out of the loop on games but fuck that Doom game looks good. Pay day is 25th, that's gone straight to the top of the list.

I made the silly mistake of reopening my wow account... I should have held off and tried this Doom out.

Any reviews so far on here?

I'm massively disappointed with Doom Eternal to be honest. Doom 2016 is one of my favourite games of the last ten years and this is just all over the place.

There's a story that is utter nonsense. You have to micromanage your ammo and abilities otherwise you'll run out. You've got a hub world you have to upgrade. There's a hape of different upgrade "currencies". There's tutorials every few minutes in the opening hour. Pickups are big giant glowing things that are at total odds with the visual design.

The biggest problem is the forced platforming. You spend about a quarter of the game arsing about with it - jump, double jump, air dash, monkey bar, air dash, air dash recharge token, airdash, grab wall face... this is Doom FFS. They decided to bind the wall grab to the same button as melee, so you'll often end up punching the wall and falling to your death.

The level design itself is shit. They're set up to make use of the ridiculous platforming, so they'll often be disparate shooty arenas connected by floating platforms and monkey bars.

There's also environmental hazards. One platforming bit in a lava-filled area had platforms with flames rotating on a block you had to avoid... it looked like it came straight out of Bowser's Castle in a Mario game (minus the good platforming). And for a game where the entire point is to move fast and keep going so, there's stages covered in purple goo that slows you right down, stops you dashing and jumping.

It's like they looked at what made Doom 2016 great and said "okay, none of that". The game engine is astonishing (I can barely believe this thing is running on a PS4) but they've royally dropped the ball in terms of game design.

Kinda style over substance thing then?

It's getting great reviews cause of how it looks not the actual play itself!

The graphics are absolutely a wow factor and the shooting is still immense (plus the soundtrack is great - not many games out there with a metal OST!), but there's just so much extra fluff you have to wade through to get to the good bits... and the good bits are no better than Doom 2016, so there's no incentive to play.

I played that Day of the Tentacle for about 45 mins and had to turn it off. Too childish for my liking and the dialogue was running a bit slow. Might try that Thimbleweed Park one next.

Got final fantasy 8 remastered downloaded for the switch the other day. There was a sale on (hmmm) so thought I'd give that a go after Luigi's Mansion 3 and super Mario U

FF8 is a decent game, been meaning to get the remaster myself but I played it through on epsxe a few months back so I'll wait a while. I always see complaints about the Junction system but I think it's great once gotten used to

Spent a few more hours with Doom Eternal and I'm warming up to it after such a poor start.

The platforming is still a baffling design choice, mind.

Not played Doom since Doom3 which I loved. Went ahead and got Eternal just to try something new.
Gotta love the big dirty metal djent type songs playing on it in the intro especially when it kicks off.

I put all the graphics up to the max (ultra eternal nightmare or something like that) and PC's handling it no bother. Looks great alright, gona play a few bits an bobs off over the week.

Yeah the soundtrack is great, it gets into those big dirty riffs for fights but it's nicely dark and ambient too.

First level for me left a very poor impression - it gets markedly better after it (although there's one boss fight in particular that will make you want to eat your controller).

#103 March 29, 2020, 08:31:39 PM Last Edit: March 29, 2020, 09:23:29 PM by Aborted
Quote from: Ducky on March 29, 2020, 08:24:13 PM
Yeah the soundtrack is great, it gets into those big dirty riffs for fights but it's nicely dark and ambient too.

First level for me left a very poor impression - it gets markedly better after it (although there's one boss fight in particular that will make you want to eat your controller).

Im on pc...

..filthy console peasant  :laugh:

But yeah its fun so far.. fuck those spider things.. fuck em in the ear

I'm on PS4 Pro at least, my peasant ass sold few good heifers and banked some coin :laugh: idTech 7 is legit though, it runs at 1440p and (effectively) locked 60fps on the Pro. I think 7 renders ten times the geometry of idTech 6, can barely believe this thing is running so well on such ancient hardware.

Best way to deal with those lads (I'm assuming you mean the Arachnotrons) is to shoot off its cannon up top, he's pretty impotent without it. On a similar note, make sure the first mod you unlock for the shotgun is the sticky grenade launcher as you can one shot boyo's cannon pretty easily with it (it's pretty useful for the Revenant's shoulder cannons and the Mancubus' arm blasters as well).

Make sure to unlock the rifle's sniper attachment first too as there's a few long range encounters early on that are much more frustrating if you pick the micro missiles first.