Quote from: Ducky on June 20, 2020, 04:01:21 PM
Thanks mugz, it's almost nine years (to the day) now, so it isn't raw but it never really goes away.

A bridge we must all cross some day, I guess

we're all at an age of constant bereavement now. fuck me we didn't know how blessed we were as youngsters

Quote from: mugz on June 20, 2020, 08:30:00 AM
Quote from: Circlepit on June 19, 2020, 11:40:34 AM
As often as possible I through in " no dog gets washed without soap". I made it up and find it's an excellent one to throw into an argument. Particularly when defending and indefensible position. It makes my wife even angrier. I tend to throw in " cool your goose baby". This too leads to fireworks.
Why? Because it diverts the discussion to my sayings and the indefensible position gets forgotten about albeit for a brief period.

I'd watch a sitcom of this

It would be a very short episode as invariably I lose the "debate". 

Today is the longest day of the year, and it's back into darkness from here on in. It's only a peeve this year because I feel like the year never really got going and now it's half over. On the plus side I suppose there is always mushy season to look forward to, but still I can't help but feel a bit melancholy after those lost months where there was no sense of time, only Day and Next Day and Day Before.

Shroom season? Doom season more like. Autumn is creative season for me. Can't bate it, apart from winter,  spring and summer which are all tied with it for first place!

Shroom 'n' Doom, a winning combo! Don't get me wrong I love all seasons in their own way, I just feel I missed out on spring a bit this time round.

On that note, I also find myself being more creative in the autumn and winter months as spring and summer are more get out of the house time for me

The solstice was yesterday. Leap year and all that.

Ah fuck it just gets worse. So now I can't even sit out until it gets dark pondering the mysteries of death and rebirth. Well I can, but it won't be the same

Jaysus the nights are fair drawin' in.

Ya it's fuckin mad. there was some stretch in it before later this evening

"Jokes" about the expression "There's a grand stretch there now in the evening", made annually since roughly 10 years ago, now outnumber genuine articulations of the expression by 100:1.
And peeve.

Ah sure, there you are.

Quote from: astfgyl on June 21, 2020, 12:28:02 PM
Ah fuck it just gets worse. So now I can't even sit out until it gets dark pondering the mysteries of death and rebirth. Well I can, but it won't be the same

you're assuming rebirth, nice bitta optimism.

best time of year is early autumn, before the rain starts properly in november. september, october best times of year.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 21, 2020, 01:32:15 PM
"Jokes" about the expression "There's a grand stretch there now in the evening", made annually since roughly 10 years ago, now outnumber genuine articulations of the expression by 100:1.
And peeve.


Easy knowing you don't live in Tipp.

Great drying out.

I actually said that earlier before hanging out the clothes. I also find myself regularly remarking on how the nights are drawing in or how there is a grand bit of a stretch in it.

I really enjoy those pointless interactions. Say I meet an auld farmer and he'll say the "grand stretch" bit and I'll respond with the likes of "jaysus, tis grand so it is" and "deed sure high time for it" even though it's always the same time for it. And the things like "some day" and "'tis tang god" as well. Utterly pointless drivel and all the participants know it is, but it puts me in good form anyway tipping around talking shite like that.