Marty fuckin Morrissey. He's clearly an awful ugly fucker but he seems to think he's God's gift. He's also on the TV more now than ever before. Does he get the ride cos he has a few bob or does he wank into a pillow like the rest of us?

Quote from: Emphyrio on May 31, 2020, 11:04:38 PM
Marty fuckin Morrissey. He's clearly an awful ugly fucker but he seems to think he's God's gift. He's also on the TV more now than ever before. Does he get the ride cos he has a few bob or does he wank into a pillow like the rest of us?

Into a pillow.. But because he had the few Bob it's a fancy one

Sinead O'Connor is another one that seems to make her living singing shite on RTE these days dressed like a spastic. Herself and Marty are made for eachother.

Stretched in bed.. Let my hands drop.. Slapped myself in the sac

.. I am my own pet peeve.. Fuckin spa

#1549 May 31, 2020, 11:57:36 PM Last Edit: May 31, 2020, 11:59:16 PM by Circlepit
Marty Morrissey will outlive us all as he has been secretly dosing himself with radioactive majestic wonder juice. That’s how he is sooooo orange with white teeth of pearly power.
I hate him and all his cunt face.

Does Marty Morrissey go to the same hairdresser as Des Cahill? Who are ye trying to fool with the jet black hair, lads? Fucking hell.

Quote from: Aborted on May 31, 2020, 11:56:49 PM
Stretched in bed.. Let my hands drop.. Slapped myself in the sac

.. I am my own pet peeve.. Fuckin spa


And for any fellow GAA heads, it always brings the mood down when Marty is on the mic and not Ger Canning.

When I take a gulp out of a can, and it turns into a tennis ball slowly forcing its' way down my oesophagus in agonisingly slow fashion. And there is nothing to do but sit there and take it.

Haha fuckit ya, that's a pure balls.

#1554 June 04, 2020, 11:26:52 PM Last Edit: June 06, 2020, 11:58:37 PM by Carnage
That Allianz ad where Aunt Viv needs the car. Yer wan has 3 lines and she delivers each one in a different accent. Fucking hell.

The Just Eat add with that cunt Snoop Dog. He'd appear in any add/videl for a few quid... such a shame the 90s drive-by craze didn't get that talentless fucker.

Quote from: Wiseblood on June 05, 2020, 12:15:20 AM
such a shame the 90s drive-by craze didn't get that talentless fucker.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Jaysus, it's all coming out tonight!

Is it just me or does Marty Morrissey look like a decrepit ventriloquist dummy?

Or an animated walnut.