I've got Miles Davis - The Complete Columbia Recordings and the Complete MD and John Coltrane boxsets (on CD) and the packaging is a fucking nightmare.

Everything about both sets is otherwise fantastic - they come in long book format with nice hard covers, have really detailed notes (like little mini books), the recordings sound wonderful...

The fly in the ointment is how the CDs are stored (5 in each of I remember) - they're clipped in via the outer edge and sit staggered, overlapping each other. You want to listen to CD 3? Gotta unclip the first two beforehand. One of the slots is so hard to get into you have to apply force to the CD and bend the damn thing.

I only listen to the rips I made of the discs, they haven't seen the hifi in years because of how they're stored.

That's the norm with DVD box sets too, and quite annoying

Food that is presented with fuck all thought given into how you'll actually eat it. Burger and burrito places are murder for this, making a burrito that is way too lose so the whole thing ends up collapsing halfway though, or burgers with so much on that you can't possibly pick it up.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on April 15, 2020, 01:21:03 PM
That's the norm with DVD box sets too, and quite annoying

Haven't bought a boxset in yonks, although I do remember cursing at Snakes and Arrows Live as it was little more than a glorified slipcase that could scratch the discs, especially if it was stacked.

Quote from: kiehozero on April 15, 2020, 02:00:01 PM
Food that is presented with fuck all thought given into how you'll actually eat it. Burger and burrito places are murder for this, making a burrito that is way too lose so the whole thing ends up collapsing halfway though, or burgers with so much on that you can't possibly pick it up.
Mickey D's have a great €1 burger menu pal....

Related to that, food which is served on what appear to be chopping boards instead of plates, or drinks in washed out jam jars and the like. You wouldn't do it with a guest in your house, I imagine. I was in a hotel for dinner at Christmas, a 5 star job (I've seen this on Gordon Ramsey reality TV shows too) where the chips are served in a mini deep fat fryer basket, which looks awful IMO and there were fuck all chips in it.

Another thing that bugged me recently was that celebrity 'Imagine' cringefest doing the rounds recently. Hardly any of them can hold a tune for a start, but the 'imagine there's no heaven' line to perk up all the people burying their grannies world-wide displays a lack of even the most base form of common sense. Spastics.

If you fancy braving Reddit, there's an amazing sub called We Want Plates that will make your blood boil at some of the ways food is served :laugh:


Quote from: Caomhaoin on April 15, 2020, 02:48:12 PM
Related to that, food which is served on what appear to be chopping boards instead of plates, or drinks in washed out jam jars and the like. You wouldn't do it with a guest in your house, I imagine. I was in a hotel for dinner at Christmas, a 5 star job (I've seen this on Gordon Ramsey reality TV shows too) where the chips are served in a mini deep fat fryer basket, which looks awful IMO and there were fuck all chips in it.

This drives me nuts as well, and it's so utterly pointless. Apart from the fact that it looks stupid and can't be particularly hygienic, it's creating unnecessary work, especially in terms of cleaning up inevitably spilled grease, sauce etc. Wankery.

Quote from: Born of Fire on February 29, 2020, 09:41:53 PM
Quote from: Eoin McLove on February 06, 2020, 08:21:30 PM
Asthmatic, deathbed vocals sucking all the energy out of pop songs, thereby supposedly adding extra pathos, is all the rage.  So bad to listen to.

Saw a Barrys Tea ad there with one of these kind of covers of The Proclaimers, thought it was a piss take at first, awful, awful bollocks

That fucking ad's doing the rounds again, it's beyond shite. Utterly, utterly limp and soulless, when the original is such a rousing song. To the deathbed with you, wench.

Fucking joggers going two abreast on the path and wheezing all over me.  >:(

rories stories and his " ja ever get dat nah?" style of humour. Maybe the domestics he has with his woman in his sketches are real and a cry for help.....like since when are domestic disputes hilarious or relatable?....shouldn't you hope for the opposite?or is it just a window into every miserable couples life up and down the country?!

Quote from: Ducky on April 14, 2020, 10:31:58 PM
Quote from: mickO))) on April 13, 2020, 11:22:16 PM
Quote from: Ducky on April 13, 2020, 11:11:51 PM
Quote from: mickO))) on April 13, 2020, 07:32:21 PM
I worked in Tesco back when I was school / start of college three of the best ones I saw / experienced was

A local mad woman came in lifted her skirt and pissed all over the isle.

A bomb threat was called in one day and they had us go around with sweeping brushes checking under the shelves for a bomb (no Joke)

Also one day a Nigerian women lifted a Tesco value 2 litre of coke off the shelf right in front of me, opened it, took a sip then looked at her friend started shaking her head in disgust, put the lid on the bottle placed it back on the self and continued with her shopping.

Did I imagine it from the old forum but were you in college in Sligo, so that'd mean you were working in Tesco there?

Yes I did my final 2 years in Sligo but the Tesco I worked in was the one in Drogheda while I was in college in DKIT.

Ah right, my dippy finger friend was in the Sligo one.

I worked there myself for all of two days before - induction was midnight on a Thursday until 02:30, ten minutes into my first day a wine bottle gets smashed, I'm told to mop it up and the supervisor says "I'm ten minutes off the clock so you can find the mop yourself", my second day was a 13 hour shift (on a Saturday), was trying to sweep the area at the back with the shopping trollies when an auld one flashed me when I asked could she stand up from the bench to sweep...

To top it all off, I took the job as a weekend gig as I was full time on a course, I explicitly stated this on the application and at the interview, but see I'm rostered until Thursday with no day off and working days... told the duty manager on the Sunday not a fucking hope am I working those hours and I quit, he says "you have to work a week's notice"... I said back what will he do if I don't work it, fire me?!

Fucking shambles of a place :laugh:

I had shitty managers and that in Tesco but in general it's a decent company to work for or at least it was back when I worked for them. Pay was decent, paid sick days even for part time workers, money went up on same the date you were hired every year no bullshit reviews or stipulations the money just went up automatically and you were in a union. I use to get €600 bonus at xmas and for most of the year I was working 15 hours a week. If worked in Tesco for 5 years or more you would be on very decent money for the type of work you are doing.

I think you should be allowed to hit people who are standing too close to you. I always hated it but now more than ever.

You're after putting The Police in me head now

The weed ran out last week  :'(