Signal and Telegram are great. I have both.

Because that's the first message on the new page, my first thought was "Don't think I know those albums, I'll go back a page and see who they're on about"

Telegram is great (as is the desktop app). Pity all of three of my mates are on it.

Quote from: astfgyl on April 09, 2020, 10:44:32 PM
Because that's the first message on the new page, my first thought was "Don't think I know those albums, I'll go back a page and see who they're on about"

This. If you were in the same room as me, you would have seen an actual question mark above my head.

Was just talkingto my boss earlier and my job's essentially gone. Might be limited hours there when the dust settles but he's restructuring everything while the lockdown is going on and there won't be as much for me to do. Going in (alone) either this afternoon or tomorrow to tidy up a few bits, and work off the last few hours I've been paid for. Oh well, can't be helped.

On the plus side, I applied for the Covid-19 payment and it came through, so there's money coming in at least.

Being forced to watch Britain's Got Talent, I think my brain is about liquefy and dribble out my ear.

That Vogue Williams wan. Fuck off.

This lighting a candle "in solidarity" shite. More so when you predict who among your friends on Facebook will put up a post and a hastag about doing it because if there was a national let's all line up and jump off the fucking bridge like lemmings, you know we'll be selfie-ing right to the bottom of the river bed.


I agree completely though.

#1299 April 12, 2020, 12:02:33 AM Last Edit: April 12, 2020, 12:04:47 AM by Ducky
It's a step below the "share this to show you hate cancer" shite... like, I only watched my auld lad die a slow and painful death from cancer, how the fuck do you think I feel about it?

But let's all light candles in our front rooms that we're not allowed leave and the frontline staff won't see because they're at fucking work... and RTÉ playing "You'll Never Walk Alone"... yep, except for when I go for groceries or my exercise within a 2km radius... the lack of self awareness is spectacular, really.

I honestly nearly barfed when someone posted a picture of their toddler captioned with "Fruit of My Loins* sends his light and knows we'll beat this together". No love, he barely knows the fucking alphabet and you're using him for Facebook self-flagellation, fuck off already.

*Name changes to protect poor little explored sap of a young fella.

I know a few frontline workers and they appreciate the thought behind it and like seeing the public support.

But as one said when politicians talk about what a great job they do, how important they are, blahblah, but then threatened paycuts over the nurses strike a while back...its the political equivalent of an artist being paid with exposure

I don't mind the gestures and I think they are appreciated by nurses and doctors but as always,  Facebook and Instagram tend to make a cunt out of these things. The self-promotion and self-branding side of it is hard to take seriously. Avoiding those platforms tends to be the best approach.

Quote from: Ducky on April 12, 2020, 12:02:33 AM
It's a step below the "share this to show you hate cancer" shite... like, I only watched my auld lad die a slow and painful death from cancer, how the fuck do you think I feel about it?

But let's all light candles in our front rooms that we're not allowed leave and the frontline staff won't see because they're at fucking work... and RTÉ playing "You'll Never Walk Alone"... yep, except for when I go for groceries or my exercise within a 2km radius... the lack of self awareness is spectacular, really.

I honestly nearly barfed when someone posted a picture of their toddler captioned with "Fruit of My Loins* sends his light and knows we'll beat this together". No love, he barely knows the fucking alphabet and you're using him for Facebook self-flagellation, fuck off already.

*Name changes to protect poor little explored sap of a young fella.

Sounds like you could do with putting the internet down for a while.

I just had a total cunt of a thing happen.  I was out for a walk with my wife and kid and on our way back we bumped into our old landlord and his wife,  who are also the parents of one of my friends. We stop for a quick chat and this couple passes by with their bags of shopping,  unnoticed by me as they passed me from behind. After they go by my friend's Dad says,  'your man obviously hasn't heard about social distancing', which the dude fucking hears and then turns around to me and says,  'what the fuck did you say?'. I'm standing there like a tit with my mouth open.  What do I do? The ex landlord just shuts up and doesn't even turn to look at your man. He starts handing his shopping to his wife to square up to me (And I'm there like a fucking mongo with the baby in the pram in  front of me thinking,  am I now about to get in a fucking fist fight over a stupid remark I didn't even make!)
Your man's wife starts pushing him away until he tells her what I (but not actually I) said and she starts squaring up too! Meanwhile the ex landlord has slunk to the other side of the road to his wife and I just said to your one, 'I didn't say anything',and she turns on them and starts giving them abuse before walking off. Man, talk about shitting all over an otherwise pleasant walk. Cuntish.