Quote from: Paul keohane on February 07, 2020, 11:53:06 PM
Im always intrigued with people that come out as gay after decades of being in a relationship with a member of the opposite sex.Surely there is a point much earlier in life where you twig that you wouldnt mind a bit of bellend in the arse?.Lifes to short, was he taking a bit of wavin secretly on the side all those years to satisfy the cravings?.

Either way best of luck to him,it was hardly a big shock.

It's the whole 'he's so brave' malarky that gets me. 27 years to build up the courage to tell the woman you love that you'd prefer if she had a big hairy sack?

Who knows what the family knew already? Maybe it wasn't a secret and the marriage was one of convenience? It's all irrelevant anyway. The only reason he felt he had to come out to the public was because he must have been getting pressure put on him by the scum media.  Who gives a fuck, really? It's his own private business.

Yep fair enough. More power to him.

On a separate topic I'm in Madrid airport waiting in line. Couple of 'Europeans' beside me communicating in English and moaning about previous flights they had with Ryanair. There's a particular monotone that lots of Europeans have when they speak in English that would drain the soul from your body, especially those of a more eastern variety. I know they're just having a natter but I'm ready to throw myself out the window after 20 minutes of overhearing it.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on February 08, 2020, 09:02:54 AM
Who knows what the family knew already? Maybe it wasn't a secret and the marriage was one of convenience? It's all irrelevant anyway. The only reason he felt he had to come out to the public was because he must have been getting pressure put on him by the scum media.  Who gives a fuck, really? It's his own private business.

Exactly. If you take just a minute to think about all the possible things that were discussed and taken into consideration, there's nothing so strange about it. I'm sure, for example, thought about how the public reaction (as witnessed by the reactions right here) would affect his kids' private lives came into it when they were younger, as we can be pretty sure that even though he's come out as gay he is nevertheless a decent father. And so on and so forth...

At least he had the stones to come and say it, you have to respect and admire that, not an easy thing to do at all especially when you work on the television and how invasive it will become with shite bags like the sun newspaper just waiting to pounce on stuff like this

Quote from: Eoin McLove on February 08, 2020, 09:02:54 AM
Who gives a fuck, really? It's his own private business.
that's it really, leave the man at it.

Not winning the Euromillions. Cuntish.

People posting on Facebook that they've voted.

Truly, the world is enlightened by you sharing this with us all.

Hangovers, have a belter today. Self inflicted I know but  it's four and I'm still dying, damn alcohol 🙈

Quote from: Ducky on February 08, 2020, 05:20:32 PM
People posting on Facebook that they've voted.

Truly, the world is enlightened by you sharing this with us all.

As grating as that can be, it's better than the alternative. 'Oh, I'm not voting for anyone, they're all as bad as each other and no real change will happen". Bollocks to that... not using your vote is leaving it up to others to use it for you, and probably not in the way you'd like.

The media frenzy over Sinn Fein. All these condescending articles, "we know better" type stuff...despite the fact the status quo drove society on average (esp younger people) into insecure renters with little to no job security while we're constantly being told that we've never had it better....by people who drove the country into economic ruin (or the people who have stood idly by letting the market eat us alive through vulture funds and bank/insurance cartels profiteering).

Don't mention the war!

"Pre-ordering" something on Amazon and seeing it in the local Golden Discs a full week before the buggers manage to post it to you.

Quote from: Juggz on February 12, 2020, 08:32:44 AM
"Pre-ordering" something on Amazon and seeing it in the local Golden Discs a full week before the buggers manage to post it to you.

Are you posting from the past? Does Golden Discs really still exist???