The stinginess of chippers in recent times when it comes to the application of salt and vinegar.  They used to drown everything in a gallon of the stuff but not anymore, even when you say,  drown the fucking yoke! Mean and peavish.

Ads on telly with some bint singing along with an acoustic guitar covering a song

Just  watched an ad and they were covering the proclaimers 500 miles, ever so softly

Just write a fucking song

Asthmatic, deathbed vocals sucking all the energy out of pop songs, thereby supposedly adding extra pathos, is all the rage.  So bad to listen to. 

That Lewis Capaldi cunt is a prime offender. Almost whingerock levels of irritation.

My pet peeve: haven't slept properly for three days, I'm going nuts. New pillows that are shite, the last ones were gone a bit flat but at least I could sleep. Was like a zombie at work today, was still awake when the sun rose.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on February 06, 2020, 08:21:30 PM
Asthmatic, deathbed vocals sucking all the energy out of pop songs, thereby supposedly adding extra pathos, is all the rage.  So bad to listen to.

One song grand, but every jaysus ad has them now, from depechmode, joy division and now the proclaimers, time to move on ye bastards

There's one of those covers of "Ain't Nobody" and I wanted to jam a nail in my ear. When you take one the catchiest songs of the 80s that's built on that huge vocal hook and instead barely whisper into the mic... like, get fucked.

It's some cunt of an accomplishment when these plebs can neuter something as bad as Coldplay or U2.

Agree completely..arseholism of the highest order. What the hell happened to music? When I look at mainstream stuff like Phil Collins or Rick Astley from the 80's it almost feels edgy in comparison to these breathy twats.

But Rick Astley was a fucking liar!

He gave us up, let us down, ran around an deserted us. The fucker.   >:(

He went for the ol' bait and switch... almost like he Rick-Rolled us 🤔

Lisa Hannigan the main culprit. Wispy nonsense

#1120 February 07, 2020, 12:23:02 PM Last Edit: February 07, 2020, 04:13:46 PM by Ducky
I knew a guy years ago who was all into that sort of shite/three chords of tedium/singing about his feelings, etc. and he was playing at an open mic.

Much hush and whatnot for him "debuting his new song about love", he strikes an emotive E major, and sings "this ship... is sinking" and one of the lads breaks the "atmosphere" wonderfully by shouting "there's not enough songs about boats!!!" :laugh:

#1121 February 07, 2020, 12:23:46 PM Last Edit: February 07, 2020, 04:14:17 PM by Ducky
Don't walk and post lads, jaysus.

Nah,  this is a step further from the Damo Rice/ Lisa Hannigan whishhhpery shhhtuff. They'd make Damo Rice sound like Brutal Truth.

"And here it is", here's what ye bollix 🪓