Sending healthy, living people to retrieve corpses from an unstable and toxic volcano. It's a brutal, horrible situation but risking more life in a rush, rather than letting it stabilise, seems emotionally driven and needlessly dangerous.

#931 December 12, 2019, 08:48:40 AM Last Edit: December 12, 2019, 04:07:24 PM by Eoin McLove
I suppose they are hoping they can save more people but unfortunately that's more and more unlikely at this stage. I think that tour operator will have some tough questions to answer.

My peeve relates to that story too,  actually,  but it's around the reporting of the story on Newstalk and is more petty. When they broke the story early in the week the reporter referred to it as a 'volcano eruption'. I found it jarring and thought he must have misspoken. This morning he mentioned it again and said 'volcanic...' then stopped and corrected himself and said 'volcano eruption'!

No dickhead! You had it right the first time! Fucking jargon...

Fucking baby Yoda.

Created by someone at Disney in order to shift toy units because people are stupid. Whaddaya know, the stupid fucks are tripping over themselves to run out and buy it.

Credit to the Disney cunts I guess, they know how to print money.

#933 December 12, 2019, 11:09:40 AM Last Edit: December 12, 2019, 11:11:23 AM by Pedrito
Never thought about it that way but flippin hell  it's pure cynical marketing genius now that you say it :laugh: :laugh: evil bastards

Yeah! Sure one of my (and probably a few heads on here too) favourite things from childhood - the animated Transformers film - was designed to kill off the old toys en masse so they could introduce completely new ones all at once.

I think the original cut killed off literally everyone and replaced them all, but that was considered a bit too extreme/lacking in continuity.

Of course the irony is the new toys were shite compared to the old ones.

Have you seen how shite and flimsy the current Transformer toys are? Terrible shite, with none of the clever switcheroo action of the old ones. Bring back the metal, lead paint covered ones!

Bring back a proper G1 Transformers film, none of this Bayformer shit.

Yeah the lack of the daycent switcheroo action is cat. Is that its arse, is that its elbow? Fuck that.

Current peeve - the current "Ireland's rich list" show on RTÉ1. How in Christ name is looking at a list of filthy rich cunts "entertainment"?

The mistake you made is expecting entertainment on RTE.

Ha, too true! I don't have TV myself for that reason, but was round visiting me brother.

As an aside, there's a show on Netflix called "The Toys that Made Us" and there's an episode on none other than the G1 Transformer toys. Deadly :abbath:

That horrible feeling when you realise you have a family member that's pro-Brexit, pro-Boris and pro-Ireland exiting because they don't like "being ruled by outsiders".

Quote from: Mower Liberation Front on December 12, 2019, 06:58:21 PM
Bring back a proper G1 Transformers film, none of this Bayformer shit.

You got the touch!

I brought a woman to see that on a first date. Mistake.

Quote from: Ducky on December 13, 2019, 04:51:33 PM
That horrible feeling when you realise you have a family member that's pro-Brexit, pro-Boris and pro-Ireland exiting because they don't like "being ruled by outsiders".

Debate them rather than dismiss them. That way you might make some headway in bringing them round to your way of thinking.