The bastard son of Tyrone Whatshisname.

I'd be a cunt if my blind Mammy cut my hair, too.

Normally I wouldn't support van Gerwen but I'll be in his corner tonight

For me Its been a shit tournament as well, very lacklustre.

The commentating has been dour, drab shite, no charisma to be found in any of the good looking, media-trained young presenters who have no actual interest in darts but think it'll be a good talking point on their CV later in their media careers. All sports are suffering from it. Easy on the eye and say nothing which could ever be interpreted as controversial or offensive or even enthusiastic, just a stream of empty platitudes, clichés and statistics, filling up airtime for no meaningful reason.

Quote from: Bürggermeister on January 03, 2025, 01:22:07 PMThe commentating has been dour, drab shite, no charisma to be found in any of the good looking, media-trained young presenters who have no actual interest in darts but think it'll be a good talking point on their CV later in their media careers. All sports are suffering from it. Easy on the eye and say nothing which could ever be interpreted as controversial or offensive or even enthusiastic, just a stream of empty platitudes, clichés and statistics, filling up airtime for no meaningful reason.

Couldn't have put it better! Bring back the pints and fags on the oche!

The longstanding commentators are fine, but that Abby Davies or whatever her name is should be taken out and shot, ridiculously annoying.

I can't stand Van Gerwen either but I'd prefer him to win it again over that little prick any day.

Devon Townsend v Kerry King is on!!

Quote from: Bürggermeister on January 03, 2025, 01:22:07 PMThe commentating has been dour, drab shite, no charisma to be found in any of the good looking, media-trained young presenters who have no actual interest in darts but think it'll be a good talking point on their CV later in their media careers. All sports are suffering from it. Easy on the eye and say nothing which could ever be interpreted as controversial or offensive or even enthusiastic, just a stream of empty platitudes, clichés and statistics, filling up airtime for no meaningful reason.

I forgot to mention the bleached teeth. Creepy, creepy looking shit altogether, but makes the cunts easy to spot.

That's the hair plugs paid for. New gaff for Wayne and Waynetta.

More Wayne Rooney vs. Matt Lucas.

Quote from: Bürggermeister on January 03, 2025, 01:22:07 PMThe commentating has been dour, drab shite, no charisma to be found in any of the good looking, media-trained young presenters who have no actual interest in darts but think it'll be a good talking point on their CV later in their media careers. All sports are suffering from it. Easy on the eye and say nothing which could ever be interpreted as controversial or offensive or even enthusiastic, just a stream of empty platitudes, clichés and statistics, filling up airtime for no meaningful reason.

Wasn't sure whether to put it in Film or here, but the last 10 minutes sealed the deal. Just watched a doc called Vinyl Nation. Sweet Jesus, a greater collection of nauseating clowns you will never encounter. Had to watch to the end just in case there was an explosion or something to take a pile of them out.