Or a VAT number.

My pet peeve: you've just reminded me that I need to clean my gutters.

I thought it was them knocking yesterday, but it turned out to be some young Napoleon Dynamite looking chap working for Sky. I'd just gotten back from a hospital appointment with a lot of waiting around only to be told things I already know, so I was in no mood to talk to anyone, I might have been a bit ruder than I needed to be.

Yeah its a tough call with "professional" door to door people, some days you just aren't in the mood for it, but if you are too nice they don't get the hint and go away, I guess polite but firm is the only way to go...then roll out the big guns if necessary as a last resort. Friend I used to live with had a tendency to let them in if they were female and nice looking just to gawk at them, Jehovah's Witnesses the lot...

If I'm not interested I'll always stop them before they get into their spiel. Saves both their time and mine, and everyone's happy. Always polite.

A very long time ago I lasted two days selling Eircom phonewatch systems door to door.  "Selling" lol I sold nothing and it was comission only so I walked off after the two days of it.  Pyramid scheme.  Pain in the hole.

Anyway, first day, we are driven to an estate somewhere in Cork.  The woman teaching me the spiel says she will do a few houses then let me take the reigns, she'll support.

First house we knock on, she starts up the talk, "hi, we are here from Eircom, wondering if you had heard about our new Phonewatch alarm systems-"

The woman at the door raises her hand flat to stop us.  "No need.  No thanks.  As long as I have the virgin Mary watching over me I don't need to even lock my door," And shuts us out.

Never to be forgotten.  Your one showing me around just says "well that's never happened before" and then we spent five hours selling nothing.

#6216 October 03, 2024, 12:05:40 PM Last Edit: October 03, 2024, 04:03:14 PM by The Heretic
I cant think on a job that would be more soul destroying than a door to door one...


I have two No Cold Calling stickers on my door and the glass beside it.  If anyone knocks who is selling anything I just point at and close the door.  The number of cunts who ignore them or don't see them despite being yellow is unbelievable.   

I printed off a big one a couple of elections back, laminated and all, the gist of it being 'no canvassing or leaflets, if we get either you lose a vote'. It worked and I was raging when my brother threw it out. We had 3 from the same cunt for the council elections recently.

I open the door, say "no thank you" before they begin to say anything, and then close the door again

Always keep your gate closed. An open gate is regarded an invitation to enter in law. If a person opens your gate to enter your property they are trespassing. Tell them they are trespassing and to get the fuck off your property.
Be aggressive and act somewhat unhinged, they'll think twice about coming back.

The kids know not to look out the window to see who is at the door between 2.30-6.00.
Prime time for the deal pf the century.
The odd time I do get caught I ask for a leaflet and I'm told " we don't have leaflets as it's a one time only offer"
I love that . Getting to reply " well this was the one time I was going to read it so thank you bye "

I did it for a very short stint years ago and it was soul destroying. Someone offered me a glass of water and/or the use of the toilet and that made my day. They had these yank type team building exercises everyday in the office before going out. So grim. I stopped going to that fuckin nonsense and wasn't long sticking around.

#6223 October 03, 2024, 04:59:35 PM Last Edit: October 03, 2024, 05:01:24 PM by Mooncat
Quote from: leatherface on September 29, 2024, 08:39:18 PM
Quote from: 101_North on September 29, 2024, 06:30:50 PMSaw my first Christmas Tree in a house window today! What the fuck is wrong with people?

I have noticed in recent years that summer happens, Halloween is ignored completely and, usually, by mid October it's straight on to Christmas. Very odd.

I've noticed this too. I wonder is it a post-covid thing. IE Halloween is an outdoor sport, so didn't really happen over covid and people and kids got out of the habit, whereas Christmas is an indoor sport and could be maintained.

Quote from: ochoill on October 03, 2024, 11:49:02 AMA very long time ago I lasted two days selling Eircom phonewatch systems door to door.  "Selling" lol I sold nothing and it was comission only so I walked off after the two days of it.  Pyramid scheme.  Pain in the hole.

Anyway, first day, we are driven to an estate somewhere in Cork.  The woman teaching me the spiel says she will do a few houses then let me take the reigns, she'll support.

First house we knock on, she starts up the talk, "hi, we are here from Eircom, wondering if you had heard about our new Phonewatch alarm systems-"

The woman at the door raises her hand flat to stop us.  "No need.  No thanks.  As long as I have the virgin Mary watching over me I don't need to even lock my door," And shuts us out.

Never to be forgotten.  Your one showing me around just says "well that's never happened before" and then we spent five hours selling nothing.

I once got roped in too. They advertised it as a business course and the lady takes me on the train to Larne (from Belfast). I'm like, why are we leaving the business centre to go all the way to Larne?? She waits til we're halfway there then whips out a suitcase full of makeup and says we're going to sell it in an industrial estate. A full day of walking up to oil-covered mechanics asking them if they'd like to buy some makeup (I was young then and too polite to walk off). I waited out the day, told her I'd see her tomorrow and then just never showed. Was also a pyramid scheme.

Speaking of which, I had one when I first moved to Canada where a girl asked me on a date. She was cute and I was excited. I show up for the date and she immediately goes into the pyramid scheme pitch. In this one I kinda let her pitch because I'm naively hoping a date will still occur afterwards (I'm not long out of a big breakup, so I'm still in that slightly vulnerable/desperate phase) but no dice. When I ask about the date she doesn't know what I'm talking about suddenly. When I mention it sounds like a pyramid scheme she immediately claims she doesn't know what that is, she's never heard of a pyramid scheme. Manipulative cunts. The only comfort I can take from it is she's getting even more fleeced by being all in with it.

Quote from: pete on October 02, 2024, 09:06:10 PM
Quote from: Giggles on September 30, 2024, 07:33:33 PMMy current YouTube algorithm.

I watch a lot of guitar related stuff, and for a while my feed was full of good shit, like decent guitar theory lessons/exercises from reputable channels, interviews with amazing guitarists, songwriting stuff etc.

Now the algorithm is constantly pushing me content from these fucking nobodies, lads in their boxers/shorts or mopey looking emo girls with 1-2k followers and videos with less than 100 views, of some shite riff they just recorded with a horrible fucking tone. It's like a plague, suffocating all the good shit. Fuck off!!

I find telling it I'm not interested works well actually. Click the three dots beside video and click not interested. You can even tell it to not recommend the channel.

Good idea. I dont like/subscribe videos in general, so I guess 1 wayward click wrecks the whole buzz!