Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 16, 2024, 12:26:39 AMNothing better for the monkey pox than an aul peat poultice.

The peat suppositories are meant to be great for it as well

There was/is a Company in Canada Called Black Oxygen Organics that was selling peat pills. crazy stuff. And yep, people actually took them.

Reading a book in bed and there's a fucking wasp buzzing around the room because I dared leave a finger-sized crack in the window for a bit of ventilation when I got up to have a shower.

If these stripey cunts could die off already, that'd be great, thanks.

Trying to renew my passport online and I've spent 2 hours trying to upload a photo that they'll accept.

"Your photo cannot be processed. This may be because you were either too close or too far away from the camera".

Well which fucking one is it then!? How the fuck am I supposed to know! I've tried a plethora of distances, constantly fiddling with a bedsheet draped over 2 chairs to serve as a white background, the lighting isn't great because of cloudy weather so I have to edit the brightness/contrast in the photos each time by transferring to my laptop...

The photos look similar in scale to the sample photo and my previous passport. This should have been a 2 min process, I'm ready to throw the phone at the fucking wall!!

I did similar at the start of the year, and it was the lighting fucking up. If there's even a sniff of shadow it won't work.

First photo I took got rejected because of lighting, every other photo got rejected because of distance.

I took one more photo with the same distance, but didn't brighten up the photo (so worse lighting), and it got accepted.

Makes no fucking sense but thank fuck that's over.

Yeah it's a pain in the hoop when the do it at home buzz takes more time than a trip into town to the chemist  :laugh:

Watching and getting into a documentary series about the CIA, the mob and 1950s/1960s Cuba on Paramount+ the other night. About 10 minutes in, there's a few Cuban lads introduced who were around Havana during this time period.

The boys all do their talking head interviews in Spanish. No subtitles appear. I think that this is like when I watched "Traffic" on Netflix recently and the forced subtitles were missing.

So I put on the English hard-of-hearing subs and rewind back to the first Cuban lad.

He starts talking and the subtitle reads;

"Speaking in Spanish" and then nothing else!

Had to pack it in. I could probably tough it out for a movie where I can grasp the narrative but there's 8 episodes of this!

Irish social media spastics. Social media spastics are nothing new, the yanks have been doing it for years and the Brits to a lesser extent, but it never really befitted the humble paddy. But now it's rampant. Think I'll have to delete Instagram again. Particularly fed up with the faux motivational shite...there's one particular lad constantly running around with his top off, neck tattoos, stupid fucking Tipperary accent (sorry lads), spouting shite like "stop making fucking excuses, grab life by the fucking balls". Get fucked you irritating cunt.

Quote from: John Kimble on August 20, 2024, 04:07:44 PMIrish social media spastics. Social media spastics are nothing new, the yanks have been doing it for years and the Brits to a lesser extent, but it never really befitted the humble paddy. But now it's rampant. Think I'll have to delete Instagram again. Particularly fed up with the faux motivational shite...there's one particular lad constantly running around with his top off, neck tattoos, stupid fucking Tipperary accent (sorry lads), spouting shite like "stop making fucking excuses, grab life by the fucking balls". Get fucked you irritating cunt.

Is it Run with Aidan? I bet it is and I know the cunt. An awful maneen who runs past the girls secondary school with no tops on him every morning. The daughter and her pals are constantly ripping the piss out of him. It has to be him you're talking about he's been at the insta thing for ages now. He's so narcissistic that seeing himself mentioned here as a spastic would massage his ego. A pure knob I've a few stories about him and he has a little minion with him that I know as well and that whole thing is also hilarious

Haha yeah, that's the cunt alright. The lack of self awareness would be hilarious, if it wasn't so fucking sad. One minute it's this whole "get off social media and get living" shtick, the next it's look at me staring out a window with my top off and contemplating how great I am, while documenting every miniscule, facile aspect of my life on social media. Which one is it?! I'm also conscious that it may come across as a bit uncharitable on my part, as I'm sure this lad has had some struggles throughout his life...but haven't we all, really?

Quote from: StoutAndAle on August 20, 2024, 01:11:35 PMWatching and getting into a documentary series about the CIA, the mob and 1950s/1960s Cuba on Paramount+ the other night. About 10 minutes in, there's a few Cuban lads introduced who were around Havana during this time period.

The boys all do their talking head interviews in Spanish. No subtitles appear. I think that this is like when I watched "Traffic" on Netflix recently and the forced subtitles were missing.

So I put on the English hard-of-hearing subs and rewind back to the first Cuban lad.

He starts talking and the subtitle reads;

"Speaking in Spanish" and then nothing else!

Had to pack it in. I could probably tough it out for a movie where I can grasp the narrative but there's 8 episodes of this!

Paramount Plus and their subtitles issues again. 

Either out of sync or non existent!

Apparently the version of paramount via apple tv is the only version where the subs are consistent.

Quote from: John Kimble on August 20, 2024, 06:37:36 PMHaha yeah, that's the cunt alright. The lack of self awareness would be hilarious, if it wasn't so fucking sad. One minute it's this whole "get off social media and get living" shtick, the next it's look at me staring out a window with my top off and contemplating how great I am, while documenting every miniscule, facile aspect of my life on social media. Which one is it?!

This reminds me of a mindfulness page I used to follow on Facebook. They had a four panel comic of a person outdoors in nature, spending time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies, and looking happy in those. Then, the last panel was them being led away by the hand by a Wi-Fi indicator and looking all sad.

So I had to comment "ironic that you're sharing this with your 200,000 social media followers who probably aren't accessing Facebook by sitting in the middle of a forest".

They then blocked me :laugh:

Quote from: Sworntothecans on August 20, 2024, 07:21:42 PMParamount Plus and their subtitles issues again. 

Either out of sync or non existent!

Apparently the version of paramount via apple tv is the only version where the subs are consistent.

I have the Apple TV app on my television. But I don't pay for a subscription (because it's shit) but I do pay for Paramount+ (because I forgot to cancel the annual subscription).

Can I access my Paramount+ subscription through the Apple TV app even I don't have an active Apple subscription?

Quote from: StoutAndAle on August 21, 2024, 09:26:18 AM
Quote from: Sworntothecans on August 20, 2024, 07:21:42 PMParamount Plus and their subtitles issues again. 

Either out of sync or non existent!

Apparently the version of paramount via apple tv is the only version where the subs are consistent.

I have the Apple TV app on my television. But I don't pay for a subscription (because it's shit) but I do pay for Paramount+ (because I forgot to cancel the annual subscription).

Can I access my Paramount+ subscription through the Apple TV app even I don't have an active Apple subscription?

You could try logging in with your paramount details on the Apple tv paramount but I think they class it as a separate sub because they're cuntish on those channels and it might not work on an existing.