Still can't find any mention of this new 50c rise anywhere yet. Maybe I'm just bad at looking for it but it seems to be very much sneaked in from what I don't see so far. It must be somewhere though.

Also, I doubt the Irish government will ever legalise weed beyond licensing it to pharma companies. There are so many arguments for it already and they constantly fall on deaf ears. With successive governments refusing to even entertain the idea of simply legalising it, I reckon the best way to protest about this would be to just quietly grow ones' own and forget about it. As long as it isn't for sale or grown in huge amounts there is basically no chance anybody would notice somebody just doing their own bit for personal use.

On an unrelated note, I find it pretty annoying how many of the new grocery shop doormen seem to be revelling in their new found sense of importance. Not all of them but a few seem to see this as their chance to be the garda they could never be. That is probably doormen in general though and not just the new ones I've been meeting.

Quote from: astfgyl on April 02, 2020, 04:58:14 PM
Still can't find any mention of this new 50c rise anywhere yet. Maybe I'm just bad at looking for it but it seems to be very much sneaked in from what I don't see so far.

Maybe the person who served you didn't like the look of ya  :-X

Quote from: Giggles on April 02, 2020, 06:12:44 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on April 02, 2020, 04:58:14 PM
Still can't find any mention of this new 50c rise anywhere yet. Maybe I'm just bad at looking for it but it seems to be very much sneaked in from what I don't see so far.

Maybe the person who served you didn't like the look of ya  :-X

They never do, but I've had it confirmed by a few other smokers and some of them don't arouse the same revulsion and strong indignation as myself

Quote from: Trev on April 02, 2020, 08:04:59 AM
I'm hoping they might seriously look at legalising weed as a way to make up lost revenue after covid, but it'll probably just be more tax hikes

Trust me legalized weed is not the dream you think it is. It's been legal in Canada for about a year and half and the Canadian Government couldn't have fucked it up anymore. 90% of people still buy from illegal sources.
The legal weed is shite quality and almost double the price of what is on the black market. They only legalized edibles in December the strongest chocolate bar you can buy is 10mg  :laugh: The most I have eaten in one session was 250mg.

The Government has the monopoly you need to suck Trudeau off to get a license and you can only source your stock from a handful suppliers all of whom I am guessing give the Government brown envelopes in return. In the first year of operation the most complaints the ombudsman got was about legal weed.

I ordered an ounce of weed last night from a website in Vancouver I use to order from the same place when I lived in Ireland but they no longer ship internationally. The ounce cost me €72 an ounce on the Government site is about €157.

I have no doubt the Irish Government would operate in a similar way if it became legal but I don't think it ever will be legalized in Ireland. For a country that's as uptight and gullible as Canada one thing they always accepted was weed even before it was legal you could still walk into some shops and buy it, it was looked at in a completely different way then the Irish, English or even most of Europe views it. Even 5 or 6 years ago nobody was getting arrested here for a joint or have a bags of weed or anything like that on them.

It'a mad for me to think now that if I went home and walked down the road smoking a joint I could end up with a criminal record. Last Christmas was strange being in the pub and thinking I can't just head out to the beer garden for a joint.

72 quid an ounce and I would be fuck eyed morning til night. It might be better for me if it doesn't get to a price like that

It's grand for me I went from smoking 6-7 joints a day to 1-2 or 3 at most a week. Since I gave up cigarettes I don't enjoy the actual smoking of the joint as much anymore because I have to smoke pure weed.

The edibles are on another level though especially in strong doses it's almost like Mushrooms. Great for problem solving if I am having an issues that I can't figure out the solution to the edibles gives you almost a different perspective on it like you are looking at it from a different persons point of view.

With all that's going on right now I can't take edibles it would just be too much I have 5 or 6 bars here in the apartment and 3 tins of gummies. Since I stopped looking at the news the only thing worrying me now is keeping my job but I would be afraid edibles would have me thinking about other things so it's safest now to just stick to the joints. .

#1267 April 03, 2020, 03:43:32 PM Last Edit: April 03, 2020, 04:33:00 PM by Trev
I don't even smoke it, but just seems unfathomable to me that there's an easy solution to bring in a few hundred million to the exchequer being ignored.  Places around the world are finally coping on to the fact, and it won't even be considered in this country despite the fact that public services and transport are a fucking shambles

Quote from: mickO))) on April 03, 2020, 02:31:26 PM
It's grand for me I went from smoking 6-7 joints a day to 1-2 or 3 at most a week. Since I gave up cigarettes I don't enjoy the actual smoking of the joint as much anymore because I have to smoke pure weed.

The edibles are on another level though especially in strong doses it's almost like Mushrooms. Great for problem solving if I am having an issues that I can't figure out the solution to the edibles gives you almost a different perspective on it like you are looking at it from a different persons point of view.

With all that's going on right now I can't take edibles it would just be too much I have 5 or 6 bars here in the apartment and 3 tins of gummies. Since I stopped looking at the news the only thing worrying me now is keeping my job but I would be afraid edibles would have me thinking about other things so it's safest now to just stick to the joints. .

I have nearly given up smoking with the very odd slip since all this shit kicked off. It just doesn't give me the relaxation it did and gets me thinking too hard about the trouble the world is in.

Regarding the legalization issue, it's refreshing to see a non-participant advocating for it. I honestly think it is some sort of lobbying from pharma companies that keeps it from happening as well as the fact you're generally dealing with the sort of "Shur tha' oul shtuff drives ya quare, they'll be all high as kites" attitude in this country (conveniently forgetting the high level of damage done by our old friend alcohol - and the myriad things your doctor or psychiatrist can get you on - but that's okay because "shur I've always had me few pints and it never done me any harm")

A fella pointed me to a story in the journal lately about a study where they basically gave lads a very strong whitener to prove that even one dose of cannabis can have negative psychological effects. They were given the choice between a full joint with no tobacco or taking the THC intravenously. I'd say they were fucking rattled off it. Surprised they didn't make them watch Jacob's Ladder or something equally paranoid at the same time. I wonder who would fund a study like that?

I know loads of people who just don't like the buzz of it and having it made legal wouldn't make them like it any more than they do at present. Same as lots of people don't drink because it doesn't suit them and not everyone snorts the poppers just because they can be freely bought. People make their own mind up about things

Quote from: Trev on April 03, 2020, 03:43:32 PM

Where I am in Canada the hospitals are very similar to Ireland shitty service, People in corridors on trollys etc. and the public transport is probably the worst and most expensive I have ever encountered. The legalization of weed did nothing to help this or any of the other services in fact both of these services continue to get worse. It just gave the politicians more money. Even though I said most people still buy from illegal sources at the start they were constantly selling out of stock so they have made a good bit of money from it.

I am not 100% sure but I think the US model is completely different and from what I here is doing very well so I guess if someone competent is in charge of it then they could make it work.

Quote from: astfgyl on April 03, 2020, 04:12:42 PM

The theory or I should say "conspiracy theory" is that William Randolph Hearst is responsible for having it made illegal because he owned some sort of a company that produced rope and some studies were done that showed that hemp was a lot cheaper and stronger then using rope. He had friends in high places with a very far reach so he was able to get hemp completely outlawed.

As for the pharmacy my theory on that now is they definitely don't want people using CBD oil. I use CBD oil for DOMS and for the pain I have with my sarcoidosis were it constantly feels like one of my ribs is cracked and it's unbelievable the results I have seen from it. My father suffers with arthritis I sent him one bottle of CBD oil about a week later he called me and asked me to send more bottles as he couldn't believe how much better it made him feel. Not only that CBD oil is suppose to help out with a number of different things.

As for the psychological it's bollox that only happens in the very few that have an underlying condition. As you pointed out as well alcohol is lot worse than weed. I am not an advocate either since I gave up the fags I kind went off it like I had 2 joints last weekend and that was my first smoke in almost a month. The only reason I bought the ounce is because we were told here on Tuesday to be prepared to stay indoors for at least another 3 months I don't want to be drinking 3 or 4 nights a week.

Yeah I heard the hemp rope story before, and it seems as good a reason as any for outlawing something with no lethal dosage (well none that you could reasonably get into you anyway) and besides, hemp has so many uses it's actually criminal that it has taken this long for it to be put to most of them. The CBD oil does seem to be the new rope as you've mentioned. Again it doesn't suit everybody or cure all ills but there is no good reason not to let people have it except that it upsets the pharmaceutical applecart too much.

That study thing is certainly a load of shite as well, setting up people for a fall. I mean why not get 100 people to neck a bottle of absinthe to show the effects having the one drinking session can do. The survivors could then describe how bad it felt.

5g conspiracy loons. Fucking morons.

Even worse that they consider it a source of coronavirus...

I did, I read about 5G weaponized bats available on that Karen from a local essential oils group bought. It has 17 likes on Facebook so must be true.

You're a fool to believe the LameStream media and "doctors".

Etc. 😝