If he could turn bread and water into Monster Munch and Coke Zero it'd be a much better day.

#1246 April 01, 2020, 03:36:33 PM Last Edit: April 01, 2020, 03:53:33 PM by astfgyl
Price of 30 gram packet of rolling tobacco up 50 cent today. Can't find any news of it anywhere except at the till where I was charged for it. Interesting.

On my travels to find news of it, I came across an article on Euronews which tells me that rolling tobacco will be banned altogether in Ireland from may 20th. Fuck.

Edit: It seems that the total ban applies to menthol flavoured rolling tobacco. I didn't even know there was such a thing. It was in the wording of the headline which was "Ireland bans menthol cigarettes and rolling tobacco starting May 20". Still nothing about today's 50 cent rise though.
I'm somewhat relieved, but I think I'll start the winding down process now before I'm unwillingly forced to go cold turkey by the government.

I know it's gone beyond the scope of the peeves thread but I wonder if some sort of system was put in place where no new smokers are allowed after a certain date (like anyone who turns 18 today or later can't buy fags end of story) would work? Would take a few years but there would eventually be no new smokers and the current ones would be phasing themselves out by quitting or dying.

They'll never scrap smoking because they skim far too much tax off it.

I was thinking that but as far as I know the counter argument to that is how much it will save in healthcare costs. Personally I think it will just be priced into the black market more than it already is.

I think the vibe is it'll knock years off your life so they're not spending as much money on healthcare for when you're old because you're already dead.

Have menthol cigarettes not been banned for a few years now?

Banning smoking would be about as successful as the war on drugs.

Ban cigarettes, legalise marajuwanas

Quote from: Aborted on April 01, 2020, 10:47:05 PM
Ban cigarettes, legalise marajuwanas
It should be compulsory to partake in the marajuwanas...

I'm hoping they might seriously look at legalising weed as a way to make up lost revenue after covid, but it'll probably just be more tax hikes

Legalise weed in Ireland? The biggest nanny state the world has ever seen. No chance.

The fags and booze thing drives me up the wall. If a grown adult wants to smoke a fag on a Friday and have a reasonably priced pint after a week's work, then they should be allowed to do it, even if the rollie paper is made of arsenic. If that's how you choose to live your life then you should be allowed to make your own decision. Our generation is the biggest molly generation our country has ever seen, giving away our freedoms by the day to the government.

Yet when people make stupid decisions it's the government's fault?  :laugh:

Very true :laugh: I find the whole blame the governement thing a proper cop out too. I fall into the trap myself a bit but I have to snap myself out of it.

Quote from: Juggz on April 02, 2020, 08:46:01 AM
Yet when people make stupid decisions it's the government's fault?  :laugh:

There's a difference between stupid decisions which are a direct threat to the health of the public at large (in a quarantine situation) and stupid decisions which, in the main, affect only one's own health. I.e. the government were right to introduce restrictions on where one could smoke, but banning smoking, banning tobacco, or marijuana for that matter, is a step too far.

It wasn't a reference specifically to the virus, more the idea that we live in a nanny state yet so many are quick to fire blame at the feet of the government or whoever else for their own poor planning or decisions based within the freedoms they have and absolve themselves of any responsibility. It swings both ways. I'm a big believer in personal responsibility and accountability but there are a lot of fucking thicks out there who require a heavy hand steering them for their own good which, of course, impacts everyone else.

Irish Government Legalise Satans Spinach
- I smoke two marajuwana's and die from it
It's the governments fault I died